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Her day was normal.

Took a Chemistry test and started her English essay, then she had to tutor after school.

The tutoring center was quiet, only about four people were in there. She glanced over the papers of the people she was helping when someone stood next to her.

"Hey." Gilbert Blythe. She could feel her eyes roll into the back of her head.

She put the papers back and turned towards him. "Can I help you?" She said, trying to hold back all of the anger she felt towards him. Just seeing his face made her mad.

"Well, I hope so." He leant against the door, laughing a little. "You're my tutor."

Those words rang in her head. She can't tutor him. She looked up to him and awkwardly laughed. "Right, I don't think so." Looking at his face made her picture the day she went off on him for Atticus.

He took a look at the blue papers in his hands. "You're Anne Shirley, right?" She grabbed the papers to make sure he this wasn't a joke. But to her surprise, it was no joke. It was reality. Her name was written at the top of the slip.

"I'm sorry," She handed him the paper back. "I'm best friends with Atticus."

He smiled a little. "I'm sorry too." She rolled her eyes and began to walk away.

"Forget it, I'll find you somebody else." She began to dig through other paperwork.

He followed behind her. "Woah, woah, look." She turned around to see his desperate face. "There is nobody else, alright? I would already find one if there was."

"Were." She said with a straight face.

He put his hand behind his neck, rubbing it lightly. "See, you're already helping me."

She knew his act. Using his charm to work on her. "Look, I can't help you and on top of that, I won't help you. Okay?" She smiled sarcastically before turning her back to the boy to walk away.

The guys seemed to go harder on Atticus. More hazing plus never letting him play. He debated on quitting again but Matthew wouldn't let him.

Today's practice was long and hard. Atticus sat in the locker room alone, tying his shoes. "Hey man," It was Charlie. "I'm sorry about the guys. I tried telling them to go easy on you." Atticus shrugged. "You have real talent, don't give up yet." He patted his shoulder before leaving him alone. He put on his headphones and walked out of the locker room. He was distracted by his phone that he didn't see he was about to walk into someone.

"Woah!" The girl exclaimed as she dropped pom poms everywhere. "Why don't you keep your head up, huh?" She muttered before dropping to the ground.

Atticus took his headphones out and began to help her. "I'm so sorry." He looked up and saw Hunter's cousin, Michelle. They looked nothing alike. Hunter was just, well, Hunter. Meanwhile Michelle was beautiful. Her curly hair was in a tight bun on the top of her head.

"Don't sweat it, new kid. You're number three right?" He nodded with a shy smile. "You've only played once but you seem really good."

"Thanks, I try." He helped her up. "I can carry these for you."

She clapped her hands. "Yay! Follow me number three." He walked out to the courtyard where the girls were stretching. "Put it down right here." He placed the pom poms on a bench. "Thank you!" She hugged him quickly.

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