I hate him

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All I could think about is how much I hated him. I don't understand why he had to cheat on me with that fucking slut. I did everything he wanted and gave him everything he needed. Why did he have to go and break my heart after he told me that he loved me?

I can't stop feeling like it's my fault that he cheated on me. Was I a bad girlfriend? Did I hurt his feelings? What made him do that type of thing?

He took everything from me and I don't think he's planning on giving them back. He took my heart, and smile, my voice and my innocence.
I don't know what to do now that he's gone.
Was it because I'm too fat? Is it because I'm ugly? The only thing that I know it that the slut he cheated on me with was so picture perfect. Anyone would want to be her.
cutting myself is the answer I've been looking for. Maybe making my self bleed will make me feel better. Maybe I deserve to bleed and feel pain. Maybe if I get skinnier wear makeup he will love me again.

      No.... I can't do that to myself

I hate how he can make me feel this way, like I'm worthless.... but I'm not worthless. Me cutting myself wouldn't make a difference. I need to learn to control my emotions. Maybe I should have a talk with my mom.

Yeah... she would know what to do.

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