Russia x America [fluffy] part 1

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I guess.

Russias POV]

it was a long day, kids screaming for no reason, talking shit about others, fighting... Every single day-

"Hey russia" a voice interrupted my thoughts, great now what does this person want, A fight?, An argument?, or just to be an ass.
"what-" I said an aggravated tone. "Well I wanted to see if you wanted to come to this sleepover after school?"
I open my eyes and realized it was the worst person here.

That person was japan-
her voice, her smile, her face, and her fucken ship books are basically every mistake a human had made so far.
"why, why would I want to go to a sleepover?" I asked in a stren tone.
"I don't know, why wouldn't anyone?" Japan said sarcastically. I just scoffed and laid my head back down and waited till she went away. which she didn't.

"Why are you still here" I asked really annoyed now. "I'm waiting for you to say yes-" I knew she was gonna say that. I sigh in defeat and looked up at her and which she returned with a smile. "fine" I said really fast and slammed my head back down.
After I did that she started squealing, makeing everyone look at use in confusion. "ok!, you can come anytime through 7:pm to 9:pm, ok Russ-san!" she basically screeched in my 'nonexistent Ear'.

"ok... please go now" I was mostly begging for her to go which this time she did which was a life saver.
guess I'll go to the sleepover like anyone wants me there anyway.


it was 7:21, so I knocked on Japan's door and waited for about a minute or an half. I heard footsteps running down to the door which I already knew who it was.
I look away for a second and the door swang open to reveal a hoping Japan in a cropped shirt and shorts shorts.
"AAHHH, Russia-cuh your here!" she excalmed with screaming.
"yes, yay I'm here...wooh" I say sarcastically. she grabs my arm and tugs me inside the house which to be honest wasn't bad. she lets go of me and yells for everyone to come to where she is.

"EVERYONE, look who came!!" she yelled in here squeaky voice.
I heard footsteps walking some running over here which I didn't like people around me and talking about me. (also Russia is 7,5 and ame is 5,6)
"Great now more people-" I Mumble to myself.

Japan was still squishing the hell out of my arm. When I looked back up I saw 16 or so country's looking at me like I'm crazy or retarded.
"What-" I glared at them.
"Uh- N..nothing" they all gave me fake smiles expect one.

And that was America.
Fucken bitch.

"ALRIGHT, everyone how about a game" she squeezes my arm tighter and screams.
"Ok, what game should we play" Germany asked.
" umm, ooo- how about strip bottle" I was so fucken confused.
The nice little girl-.
Playing a striping game-

O k.

We all sat down in a circle and Germany got the bottle and spun it around in which landed on south Korea.
" soooooo, what you gonna take off??" Japan got in his face.
He blushed and pulled his shirt off which relieved a normal kid stomach not a 4 or 6 pack just regular.

Everyone chuckled a little. He spun the bottle next which landed on Germany which was right next to me.
I sigh in relief.
Germany pulled his sock off.
Smart ass.

"AAAAAWW, COMON!?" Japan almost cried.
Germany spun the bottle and it landed on


I gulped and sighed knowing that if I declined Japan is gonna be up my ass pleasing me to take something off.
I ask slowly pulled my shirt off and blushed a little know everyone is staring at me.
I pulled it off all the way and realized my 6 pack and hard chest.

Everyone gasped and I was blushing and covered my face with one of my hands.
'This is why I didnt want to go to parties.'
America was checking me out looking me up and down. I didn't really like how everyone was staring and how they were looking at my chest most of the part.

(I'm srry for this part :'D)

I decided I should show them a magic trick.
I held my arms in a posing look where my chest was more out.
I lifted one pike and moved the other after I let it rest.
Japan had a fucken flip.
"OMG DO IT AGAIN!!" she screamed with scared me at first.

I stood up and moved them again. This sent japan into fangirling mood.
"HHHH- RUSSIA LOOK!!" she pointed to ame who was a blushing mess.
He hid is face in his legs and held his head.

a hah hah

U thought-
But I'm gonna make a part 2 of this so dont worry uwu my chows.

   Da'wane rock style..
I'm srry-

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