Chapter 4

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Charley's POV :

I got woken up by the ringing on my phone. Who could be calling this late at night?


"Hey its Emily".






2 hours later*

"Guess what".


"I get to visit you but only for a few days".


Omg Charley that's great because I wanted to tell you something but face to face".

"O OK well then you're going to see me in the next 2 days".

"Alright then I'll wait for you at the airport".

"Yes please and make my favorite food you already know what it is so I expect you to cook it for dinner".

"Yeah sure I make it for you but its gonna take four hours to cook it".

"Why four hours its supposed to be one hour to cook the pasta, not four hours".

Its does take four hours including making dessert duh Charley why would I make dinner without dessert".

"Oh yeah I'm so slow sometimes".

"Yeah I can tell, well Charley i am headed off to bed its 10:00 pm and I got a busy week ahead and I want to get some rest".

"Sure love its 3:00am here anyways, well good night love have sweet dreams".

"Bye Charley".


I'm so glad she called I missed so much I know I haven't to her about coming but I just wanted to make her happy. Thank God that our manger have gave us 2 weeks to visit family and friends and maybe soon to be girlfriend. God how will I ever ask to be my girlfriend I'm probably going to mess up like always. God it 4:23 I should get some rest.

Slowly then all at once I went to sleep.














Emily's POV :

Next day

Well today I have to start making dessert because I'm making ice cream cake (A\N yes this is a real recipe its lime ice cream and whipped cream.)

God I have to get:

lime ice cream 3 boxes

Whipped cream box 3 boxes

God its hard.





3 hours later

Put layers of lime ice cream and whipped cream which made six large layers of ice cream cake. After finishing I got tired so I laid in my bed thinking. I need to make this perfect.

Charley's POV :

Ugh after hanging up I can't get her out my mind. I seriously couldn't even have my first girlfriend because I'm so deeply in love with her. I'm going to tell I truly madly deeply in love but how.

God I swear this is hard.

A\N ~ sorry its short I'll make it longer I'm just sad and stuff I'm going through a rough time.

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