Chapter 1 Training and Mistaken gem

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Black Diamond's POV




Our weapons hit each other's making a clang sound as sparks of light flew from the hits. Yellow tried to hit me with the her sword as I were able to avoid it in the last second before it were going hit my face. The sword just nearly grazed me as it swooshed just beside me as the sword made a gust of wind hit my face making my white hair flow elegantly in the wind.

Yellow tried hitting me repeatedly with her sword but I just avoided the hits moving my body like I were dancing. My body moved with the rhythm of the sword and the wind that were hitting my body.
Not now



I thought as she kept slashing her weapon at me and I moved my body closer to Yellow, grabbing her sword like it were nothing pinning her down making it impossible for her to move.I then took out my weapons towards her face and grinned softly at her.
-Fineee! I give up!

Yellow told me clearly annoyed that she lost once again. Me and Yellow trained our battle skills now and then and I had won every time. I smiled at her happily and chuckled slightly.
-Of course I were to win I am after all a couple of million years older then you, but I can admit you are getting better.

I told Yellow with a confident voice as she groaned. I then pouted a little angrily at her.
-Hey! why were you so determined to hit my face all the time.

I told her and she laughed hard then wiped away a happy stray tear falling down her face.
-Well I wanted that smug face of yours to decay.

I gasped sarcastic and pretended to be hurt by her foul words. I put the back of my hand on my forehead and made a dramatically sob. Yellow had now a shocked face and she said many "sorry's" repeatedly to me as I continued to play hurt.It were so hard not to burst out laughing but I managed to hold it in somehow.
-What I do for you Yellow and here you are, tormenting poor me...

I said in a dramatic voice, I could see White coming up to me with a worried face. She placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and gave dagger glares at Yellow.
-Yellow! What did you do to our poor Night!

White told Yellow scolding her, I just couldn't hold it in anymore and I laughed out madly, feeling like I were laughed so hard it would shatter me any second. They looked at me confused and I just hugged them in a tight hug.
-You guys are just so adorable,I were only sarcastic, nothing bad had happened at all. I were just trying to punish Yellow a little.

I said ruffling Yellow's hair, she groaned and smacked my hand away. Hehe I knew she secretly enjoyed it deep down that naive gem of hers.

My pearl went up to me and slightly coughed as she tried to get my attention, it were successful as I were now looking at her.She did the diamond pose and began to speak.
-My diamond you have at least 250 meetings in this mere 24 hours to attend to and you are about to miss one.

She told me, I groaned. Of course I were busy, I always were. I sighed and nodded at my pearl bringing up a smile on my face. Pearl returned the smile and then took out her hologram screen from her gem.
-Holy stars Black, how do you even have time to duel me?

Yellow told me in a confused voice staring at my pearl. I chuckled slightly and spoke out.
-I don't, but I would never miss a duel dear Yellow. I would always somehow get some time to be with you guys. But I really need to go before the gems get angry with me.

I told Yellow as I were heading for one of my meetings. I waved a bye to Yellow and White and they waved back while displaying a happy smile on their faces. It really made my day to see them happy, I would skip meetings faster then the speed of light to make them happy. I smiled happily at the thought and talked with my pearl as we were heading for my chambers where my meeting had been decided to be in.

That were until I saw a gem being attacked by some Jaspers, I quickly went up to them and they stopped dead in their tracks as they saw me. Their weapons faded and they quickly did the diamond pose scared that I might shatter them. I were the highest ranked Diamond after all, it wouldn't quite suit if they didn't greet me properly.

There have been many gems that were spewing lies telling the newly made gems that I were mean and cruel. So every time they saw me they were shaking in fear. It really hurt my feelings, I might be high and mighty but that doesn't mean that I can't be kind.
-May I ask what you are doing to that gem and why?

I asked the Jaspers, they seemed to tense up probably worried about my annoyed tone in my voice.
-W-We were uh told to...t-to take out any d-defective gem.

One of the Jaspers told me and I sighed then taking a deep breath. I didn't want to scare those poor gems more than they already were. I then looked at the defective gem, She didn't look defective to me. Weird.
-What kind of gem is she?

I asked the Jaspers and they looked at the defective gem and one of them rubbed their chin trying to figure out what the gem was. But before they could say anything, the defective gem spoke out.
-I am supposed to be a Pearl my diamond....

I hummed an okey and looked at her closely, there were just something that weren't right. I looked at her gem inspected it carefully.
That gem weren't a Pearl, it were a Howlite.
Of course were the poor gem would be mistaken for a defect if it weren't even a Pearl.
-Jasper this gem is not, I repeat not a defect, first of all she isn't a Pearl, she is a Howlite. Who can't see the difference like holy stars.

I told them obviously annoyed, I rubbed my temple as I groaned. The Jasper's were about to speak but I interrupted them with my own voice.
-it's fine, just escort her to the other Howlite's and show her around so she don't get lost. I shouldn't have been so mad I'm sorry...

I told them in a soft voice and they looked incredibly shocked at what I just said.I guess they didn't expect a diamond to ever apologize. I am a way to soft gem when it came to other gems, I don't think they should be treated like rocks if they did one thing wrong.
-N-no my diamond, we are sorry. We should have looked more closely. Thank you for not shattering us.

They told me as they smiled brightly. They seemed less tense and more relaxed now.I nodded at them and waved them a bye as I left to walk to my chambers like I were originally doing. I would probably be late for at least an hour.
I sighed deeply and looked at my pearl, she seemed happy by my decision. I felt a small smile tug at my lips knowing that I didn't do anything wrong.

First chapter done, hope you like it. The next chapter will be up tomorrow so don't worry.
If you have any requests about Black Diamond please tell me and I might use them in this story.

Well that's pretty much it bye bye my fellow readers!😌❤️

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