"Do you like?"

"Yeah." Mal said, "It's cute. Brings out your eyes."

"I know." She said smiling. "Camilla?"

She got up off the bed and took a closer look at the dress, "Edgy. Can you make one for me in red?" Evie smiled then looked at the piles of folded fabric on the ground by her feet.

"Red. Red, red. . . " she muttered to herself as she searched.

"I'll never get a boyfriend." Jane sighed lying on the spot Camilla had just vacated.

"Boyfriends are overrated." Mal told her.

"And how would you know, Mal? You've never had one." Evie said leaning against her palm.

"That's cause I don't need one, E. They're a waste of time."

"A lot of time judging by Camilla." Evie whispered so the other two wouldn't hear her, but - still standing right next to her - Camilla heard perfectly and instantly turned her head to glare at Evie. "Don't think I didn't figure out what you could possibly be doing in all the 'me' time." She said putting her hands under her chin and leaning closer, "So what's his name?" she asked and Camilla only scoffed and flipped her multicolored hair over her shoulder.

"I don't work for free." Evie said gesturing to the red fabric in her hands, "You want a dress? The price is his name."

Camilla intensified her glare, put one hand on her hip and leaned closer to Evie, "The dress isn't that cute." She sneered. But instead of being offended Evie's smile only grew.

"Ooooo, this must be a really juicy secret." Their secret conversation about Camilla's personal life ended when there was a knock at the door. Since it was already open the visitor walked right in.

"Hey guys! I'm Lonnie." The girl introduced herself, "my mom's Mulan. No? Anyways, I love what you've done with Jane's hair. And I know you hate us and well, you're evil. But do you think you could do mine?" she asked looking at Mal.

"Why would I do that for you?"

"I'll pay you fifty dollars." She replied and Camilla crossed her arms and leaned against the table behind her. Ok this Auradon girl she liked.

"Good answer." Evie said snatching the bag of gold, "I need to buy more material. Let's see, I'm thinking, we lose the bangs, maybe add some layers and some highlights."

"Yeah, yeah. I want it cool. Like Mal's."

"Really? The split ends too?" Mal looked up from her sketching to glare at Evie but with one shake of the bag of gold Mal growled and got her spell book. She flipped through a few pages before finding what she was looking for.

"Beware, forswear, replace the old with cool hair." she waved her fingers and in seconds Lonnie had a whole new look. She walked to the mirror and looked at her reflection in awe. Evie tried to talk her into something different but Lonnie refused.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! I love it. It's just. . . " she reached down and ripped her skirt, "Now I'm cool!"

"Like ice." Mal said leaning from the bedpost. Jane then copied Lonnie and ripped her dress. Then reality seemed to knock her in the head and she gasped.

"What did I just do? Mom's gonna kill me!"


Carlos came in shortly after the Auradon girls had left carrying a brown scruffy mutt.

"Carlos why are you holding that thing?" Camilla demanded immediately.

"This is Dude. He's the campus mutt, Ben introduced us. He's cute right?"

"I'd describe that dog with a lot of words, cute is not one of them." Camilla sneered sitting next to Evie who was working on Chad's homework. Carlos shrugged then grabbed his laptop and sat with it next to Dude on the floor. Then the door opened again and Jay waltzed in wearing a royal blue Tourney jersey. He made some poses and whistled before walking over to Mal.

"Did your plan work with Jane? Are you going over to see the wand?"

"Do you think that I would be going through every single spell in this book if I hadn't completely struck out?!" she snapped at him.

"Someone's in a bad mood." Her baby brother muttered while he pet the dog.

"My mom's counting on me! I can't let her down!" Mal said flicking Carlos in the head making Camilla laugh quietly.

"We can do this." Jay said, "If we stick together."

"And we won't go back until we do." Mal said looking around the room, "Because we're rotten. . . "

"To the core."

"To the core."

"To the core."

"To the core." They all finished their mantra.

"Oh yeah, I found out that Fairy Godmother blesses Ben with the wand at coronation and we all get to go." Evie said casually making all their heads turn. She couldn't have said something earlier?

"I have nothing to wear, of course."

Then there was a knock at the door. "Hold that thought." Mal said shutting her book and heading for the door. When she opened it Ben was standing there in his usual blue blazer.

"Hey, Mal. I was just wondering if you guys had any questions or anything that you needed." He said smiling.

"Not that I know of." Mal said looking back at them and they all shook their heads.

"Okay. All right. Well, if you need anything just. . . "

"Oh, wait! Um, is it true that we all get to go to your coronation?"

"Yeah, the whole school goes."

"Wow. That is beyond exciting." She said twirling her hair. Camilla didn't need to see her face to tell she was already hatching a plan. "Do you think that it's a possibility that the five of us could stand in the front row next to the Fairy Godmother, just so we could, soak up all that goodness?"

"I wish you could." Ben said sounding genuinely sorry that he had to turn them down, "Up front it's just me, my folks and my girlfriend."

"And your girlfriend?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry -"

"Okay. Thanks, bye. " Mal said closing the door as Ben tried to say something else. Then she turned to the others. "I think it's time that Bennyboo got himself a new girlfriend."

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