Chapter one

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Stepping out of the car in her trademark high stiletto heels,She passed the guards at the door and staffs at the ground level while ignoring greeting they threw her way.

"Good morning Miss Lola"

"Morning ma'am"

One of the benefits of being her own boss is that she does or get anything she wants like having her own personal elevator that takes her directly to her office floor.With her heels making clicking noises she walked into her office while her new personal assistant rambled on about her schedule for the day until she sat down.

" that's all for today"

She looked at her PA and made her herself comfortable on the chair " What's your name?" She asked with a blank expression on her face.

"C-c-clara ma'am"

She leaned forward "Did you read the memo given to you when you got the job?"

Clara blinked while nodding her head affirmatively "Y-Y-YES"

She tilted her head to the side while looking straight into the nervous girl's eyes " So what was the first rule?" She asked.

Clara's eyes widened "Co-co-ffee" she stammered while she took few steps back. That was only what she did over the weekend, reading the memo. She wanted her first day to be perfect. Working in one of the biggest fashion empire in New York called D.T.F.H meaning Deathtrap Fashion House , which happened to be Lola Howard's company, the Nigerian woman who was described to be very scary that is if putting it in nice words, isn't something that happens everyday. She almost died of excitement when she saw the mail and made sure she used the whole weekend preparing.

Clara's eyes widened when she realized her mistake, other bosses might not take it too serious but with words she has heard, she wasn't so sure that her new boss was like others

"I would have fired you on the spot but it just so happened that am in a good mood today" .

Clara opened her mouth to apologize but Lola wasn't ready to hear her stutter.

"Get out and bring my coffee" Simi ordered.

Clara who was terrified already hurried out and muttered "I'm so stupid"

Lola breathed in deep breath and relaxed in her chair, She was as eager as any other day to get works done and coffee helps her start the day even if she had taken a cup before back home.

She looked up in time to see Clara rushing in with a cup.

"Here ma, how you like it with no sug-"

"Shut up and get out, I don't remember telling you to describe how I like my coffee" She said blankly and took the cup from the table.

Clara nodded rapidly while She closed her eyes and sipped her coffee enjoying how the hotness burned her tongue then slipped down her throat and she -


She opened her eyes and saw the it was her new personal assistant that interrupting her coffee time.

"What?!" I asked feeling the anger dripping in my voice

Clara cleared her throat "Y-your h-h-husband is here to see you"

She put the mug on the table and said "That last time I checked, I'm not married"

Clara could almost enter the floor she had totally forgotten"I m-mean your-"

"You know who she was talking about" A new voice said and She raised her eyebrows and relaxed in her chair as she watched Marcus, her ex husband walk confidently into her office. Of course She knew who Clara meant but what's the joy in that.

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