Incarcerated Mind

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She seemed to be handling the whole situation well, better than what Shouto thought she would. It went unspoken, but honestly, they were terrified. What would happen to them if Enji was placed in jail? Would they lose their estate? Would Fuyumi be able to take custody of her younger siblings? Would they be questioned? What would happen if he wasn't put in jail? Would he suspect them of contacting the police on him? Would he stop with training and ignore them altogether, or would it only get worse? All the unsaid questions festered up and consumed the car, conquering it in silence. It was like this the whole ride home.

Fuyumi explained the situation in full, including their apparent living situation while their father was in custody. They would be staying in the estate and Fuyumi would have temporary custody of both him and Natsuo, which wasn't too big of a change than usual. Also, the police had yet to disclose the reason behind his arrest. Everyone except Enji, the lawyers, the police, and the government knew why he was behind bars.

The police would be allowed to hold him in custody for up to 28 days, according to their father's lawyer. After he was released, a court date will be scheduled and his father's fate will be decided. A dark place in his mind pleaded to whatever god that would listen to give the man what he deserved. To send him to prison and be done with it, to let him rot in prison for all he's done.

Of course, it was unlikely this would be the case. He was the 2nd greatest hero in Japan so it was unlikely the court would want to put him away. It sucked.

He climbed up to his room the second he and Fuyumi finished their conversation, his thoughts only of a song he had been playing a lot as of late. His fingers tapped the handrail of the stairs as he sullenly walked up them. He ended up playing well into the night, falling asleep on the keys of the little acoustic piano tucked away in the corner of his room.

Fuyumi listened from her room, tears falling from her cheeks as she scoured the internet for information about adopting family members. She didn't want to be separated from her siblings if things didn't go the way Enji would want it to. Distantly, as the night grew dim, she thought of Touya. How would he react when he learned of their father's arrest? Would he return to them if he went to prison? It was unlikely, but the hope was there. Oh, how she could hope.

Unlike Shouto, she did not sleep that night.


The arrest didn't go as smoothly as Tsukauchi would've liked. He knew the hero wouldn't be compliant, but he was this close to adding assault of a police officer to his charges by the end of it. The man apparently didn't understand the concept of restraint, which honestly they should've already known, seeing as he was being arrested on charges of reckless endangerment and at least 30 counts of involuntary manslaughter. Still, he was a pro hero, he should've known better than to attack the police.

Tsukauchi thought back to the end of the ordeal with a grin on his face and a childish giggle escaping his lips. He would never get over the look on the number 2 hero's face when they turned the hose on him. It would go down as by far one of the most exciting days of his life.

Aizawa and Hizashi's son was simply ecstatic when the family of three arrived at the station. He was practically bouncing as they walked into the building a big smile on his face as he learned the news of his arrest. Tsukauchi couldn't blame him, it wasn't every day a kid like him could assist in the arrest of someone, a pro-hero nonetheless!

The arrest was still under wraps, despite the incredible battle that had taken place in Enji's arrest. The hero's PR group was doing a great job of monitoring the media. Really, the team's ability to flag new reports and get them offline within mere seconds of it going up was impressive. They probably had a decent amount of experience, though, considering the hero's aptitude of befouling things. Still, it was a noteworthy skill.

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