chapter 46: Weird Symptoms

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"What's wrong? Aren't you happy?", he asked the eight-year old, who sighed.

"I am! I absolutely am! I really want to do horse riding. It's just...", the young redhead started replying and then shut himself up.

"It's just what?", his father kept trying.

"Did mom tell you about Annabelle?", Liam sadly wanted to know.

"Of course, you know your mother. Although it rather was complaining than anything else.", the trauma surgeon answered.

"Well, she doesn't have to anymore. She broke up with me, because she suddenly claims to be in love with Jonathan.", his son shared.

"Don't let it get to you too much, baby. You are only in grade 1 and if she gives you up for a guy called Jonathan just like that? Then she definitely doesn't deserve your love.", Owen advised.

"Maybe you are least that's what Rubs said too and then she immediately went over to Annabelle and unfriended her.", the eight-year old giggled, which made his father smile, knowing he felt a little better now.

"See, now you have much more time for your real friends.", he grinned.

"Yeah, about that: Annabelle was part of my circle of friends and they are all on her side, which is why I will just hang out with Finnie and Ruby. They said, they didn't really like it when I was always busy doing stuff with other people anyway and since we are triplets and made mom's life hell at the same time, we should stick together.", Liam shrugged.

"I strongly believe that these two are a much better fit for you anyhow. And I know that because I have met their parents. I mean, their mother is kinda crazy but their father is such a reasonable guy, it's amazing.", Owen replied seriously, making his son laugh.

"Don't tell mommy, otherwise she might kill you. And how would you handle six kids on your own?", the boy giggled.

"I have been in the army, young man, did you forget?", Owen chuckled.

"Honestly? I did. But my point is that we are able to make your life hell too.", the young redhead threatened winking.

"One to zero for the Huntlings.", his father said.


During dinner, Liam talked about his new experiences on the Horse Ranch and told the family about his favorite horse. She was a mare named Star and would be his own horse from now on. He was so excited to be able to start learning how to ride her next week.

While the eight-year old chewed and shared the news, he noticed his mother had not even touched her food, which he felt like was very weird, since she hadn't eaten anything in the morning either.

"Mom, why aren't you eating anything?", Ryan suddenly asked, after he had thought the same thing.

"Not hungry, baby.", Amelia calmed her son.

"Are you sick?", Ruby wanted to know.

"No, I am simply not hungry.", her mother repeated with a smile.

"But you neither ate this morning!", Liam complained.

"And you only had a salad for lunch.", Luca added.

"Kids, how about you leave your mother alone and look at your own plates. She is an adult and very capable of taking care of herself.", Owen meddled into the conversation.


Half a week went by, in which everything was going it's normal way again. That is, everything besides Amelia's eating behavior, what worried her husband very much. His wife often didn't have appetite or hunger and even didn't want her usually loved coffee, because according to her, it made her feel sick.

Owen woke up as he heard some noise and took a look at the alarm clock, which showed that it was only 1am. Tired as he was, he turned around and closed his eyes again, while he wanted to hug Amelia. Suddenly, he realized that she wasn't there and her bedside was empty somehow.

It finally clicked and the redhead followed the noise into the bathroom, where his wife was kneeling in front of the toilet, vomiting. He let himself fall beside her, held her hair and stroked her back in slow circles.

As she finished puking, Owen got her some toilet paper for her mouth. Amelia leaned back at him, as her husband wiped the sweat from her forehead and helped her up, so she was able to rinse her mouth. The trauma surgeon got some water while she brushed her teeth.

"Probably a virus, I couldn't see food the whole week.", the brunette told him, as they got back into their king-sized bed.

"I will call in sick for you tomorrow.", Owen promised and kissed his wife's forehead gently.


As agreed, the neurosurgeon spend the day at home, which was basically against her will. She needed her work and Owen calling her every hour was extremely sweet, but also very annoying. She had to vomit one more time in the morning, but felt weirdly good after.

All of a sudden, the bell rang and when Amelia opened the door, she was so confused that she thought she had hallucinations, because Owen and Finn were standing on the other side. Her son's facial expression was a scared one and he starred at the ground.

"Go into your room!", her husband demanded angrily, so Finn quietly went upstairs. His mother noticed the tears in his eyes.

"Finnie...", Amelia shouted sadly and he even stopped for a second but didn't turn around. He continued his way to his room in silence. "What happened? Why are you so angry with him?", the brunette addressed Owen.

"He stole something.", the redhead answered, disappointed in their son.

"Finn? Our Finn? That's not possible!", his wife defended the eight-year old.

"It is. Because of some stupid daring. I gave him two weeks of house arrest.", Owen sighed.

"Owen, you can't just give him house arrest without having talked to me about it.", Amelia complained.

"I am his father and you're not the one the police talked to, so just shut up, Amelia! Two weeks of house arrest and point.", her husband suddenly yelled, as if he was a totally different person. "Are you hungry?", he asked in his calm and normal voice a second later.

"Not anymore, thanks.", the neurosurgeon replied coldly and made her way to the stairs. "I bet you haven't even asked him yet why he took part in that dumb daring and what his deal was.", she added angrily.

"Ames...", Owen tried.

"Just...stop, Owen! He stole and got a fair punishment for that. But I won't lock up my child in his room, just because you think that brings something. You scared him! And you should be the one taking his fear, you know how shy and easily hurt he gets. Same goes for me when you scream at me like that, but you don't even care! As long as the perfect Owen Hunt gets his will and the world rotates around him, everything is great.", were Amelia's last words before she went upstairs.

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