step one: don't go to starbucks

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To whomever's reading this:
Despite the title, yes I did fall in love with him. Obviously. SO, I've created this small guide to prevent other potential victims from doing the same. Based on my experience, this is what you should NOT do if you want to avoid falling in love with Ed Sheeran;

step one: don't go to starbucks (if ed's there, at least)


I've never been one to get starstruck over celebrities because honestly, they're just regular people with abnormal jobs. The only thing that makes them special was their ability to turn something they love into a career and consequently get famous off of it.

So when Abi woke me up claiming, "Ed Sheeran is at the Starbucks up the street, we have to go !" I wasn't exactly up for it. But of course, she managed to bribe me into coming with her, and that's how we ended up in a crowded Starbucks.

A line had developed to meet the ginger guy and whenever we moved up, Abigail felt as though screaming in my ear was completely necessary.

It wasn't.

Eventually, we'd made it to the front of the line and I stepped to the side as Abi had her little moment with Ed.

"I'm Abigail, and this is my best friend, Taylor. We're huge fans of your music !"

He looked over to where I had isolated myself and I waved awkwardly in his direction.

"Well it's nice to meet you both, thank you very much Abs," he smiled charmingly and Abigail shamelessly fangirled over him calling her 'Abs'.

"Could we get a picture?" Ed nodded, taking her phone and glancing at me once again. "You joining us, Blondie?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes at the nickname before slowly approaching his side.

"Say lattes !"

"Lattes !"

Abigail retrieved her phone from the singer and thanked him nearly a thousand times more before giving him one last hug and tugging me to the counter so we could order some drinks. Most of the people who'd came were only interested in seeing Ed rather than ordering something, which pissed off a lot of employees, so me and Abi made sure we weren't one of those people.

While a cute employee named Cole got our orders, Abigail literally fangirled like there was no tomorrow and told me tons of things about Ed Sheeran that I simply do not care about. I think she caught on too cause,

"Are you even listening to me, Taylor?"

"Of course I am. Do I care? No."

"But why not? Ed's so amazing, everyone loves him."

"Okay, cool? I just don't understand the hype. He's just like everyone else. Plus I barely know the guy, how do you expect me to 'love' him?"

"If you got to know him, you would love him too."

"I think I'd actually do everything in my power to prevent that from happening."

Abigail rolled her eyes at me. We got our fresh cups of Starbucks coffee (mine having Cole's number and a winky face on it, which I found incredibly cute) and sat in a booth at the back of the shop.

"Better tell that Cole guy to back off, cause it looks like Ed's got an eye on you," Abigail smirked against her cup.

I spare a glance in his direction to find him blatantly staring at me. Even when I catch him, he doesn't look away. He just smiles this shy smile and continues greeting his fans. What's that about?

"Whatever, just hurry up so we can leave."

An hour had passed and Abigail would not let us leave. For anything. She was determined to stay until everyone else had left, just so that we could be alone with Ed. Well it worked.

Here we are, alone with Ed Sheeran; aside from the Starbucks employees of course.

It was awkward at first, just sitting there and waiting for someone to say something. But Ed was the one to make a bold move by getting up, walking to the booth we'd settled at, and sitting down right next to me. I subconsciously scooted away from him, and it was clear he didn't like that, but if a mere stranger came and sat next to you, you'd do the same right?

"'Ello girls," he smiled.

"Hey, Ed. Cool of you to join us," Abigail replied and I nearly snorted at how she was trying to act calm and collected, yet I just knew she was weakened by the very sight of this boy. What a shame.

"Yea, it got a bit boring over there and you guys seem nice so..." He looked at me expectantly, as if I was obligated to talk to him or something. Oh, please.

"What're you drinking?" Ed motioned to my cup.

"Coffee," I monotoned.

"Coffee? Bloody terrible, that is. Tea is better by far."

Oh hell no.


How To [Not] Fall In Love With Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now