Right now, all I wanted to do was to fall asleep and never ever wake up again.

I wasn't ready for the antagonizing feelings that would overcome me like a wave sooner or later.

I was done with crying and I knew better than to weep for a guy who clearly couldn't care less about me anymore.

My mind came up with excuses and told me to stay strong, but my heart was screaming at me to let my feelings show. The inner battle was tearing me apart, and there was nothing I could do about it.

I bit my tongue as hard as possible, already tasting blood, when I saw how the girl pressed a kiss to Harry's check.

He gave her a smile in return.

There was a part of me that wanted to walk over to the happy couple and demand an explanation right now and right here, but something was holding me back.

After all, it was more than obvious, right? He was done with me, he had found another girl. End of the story.

A cold plash of water in my face woke me up from my trance. "What the fuck?" I hissed, letting my negative feelings take over.

"Zoey, what the hell is going on?" Lisa called over the loud music, her eyes wide and ablaze.

My eyes flickered to the counter in front of us and I saw that it was wet, like someone had just spilled a drink on top of it and then left without really cleaning it.

Realization struck me once again. That was my fault.

"I-" I tried to explain, but I couldn't find the right words. Without mentioning for anything, I looked back to where I had seen Harry.

Lisa followed my gaze and what she saw made her slam down her hand with the glass in it, aggressively breaking it in tiny little pieces.

Almost immediately, a bartender rushed over to us and started yelling while wiping the counter at the same time. Lisa and I paid her little to no attention.

"That fucktard is dead, I'll chop his dick of and hack it into a thousand little pieces, then I'll feed him those pieces and have him beg on his knees for forgiveness while brutally murdering him," she spoke in a deadly calmness that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Jail roommates?" I offered, the idea sounding incredibly good in my ears.

"You bet." Her body turned around to fully face the direction we were currently staring at, but Lisa made no actual attempts to move.

"Why is he doing it?" I spoke in a normal voice which was too quiet for a nightclub.

But Lisa heard me. "Who knows what goes on in that pretty little head of his?"

I had no answer for that.

Even though Lisa's words were hateful and threatening, she didn't react. Her eyes were carefully watching me as if anticipating the moment I would break down.

"What's taking so long?" A new voice spoke up behind me, nearly sending me into cardiac arrest. I locked eyes with Leona.

When neither Lisa nor I answered, she shrugged her shoulders and ordered a Martini.

Getting drunk, really drunk, sounded absolutely brilliant right now.

"Don't even think about it," Lisa warned when I raised my hand to get the bartender's attention. I hesitantly dropped it, listening to her.

"Liss, I need to do something," I pleaded, my eyes stinging from the tears that I was fighting to hold back. I refused to start crying at all costs.

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