The Fight

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Darting to the left with narrowly any room to regain her footing left the queen in a predicament she didn't want to be in. Like the monster knew she was unstable was when it struck. Hacking up a glob of snot from between it's unhinged jaws. But that wasn't enough because it figured she could dodge that easily. While it spewed venom from it's jaws the chimera whipped its scorpion tail around with intent to impale the gutsy lioness for overstepping her bounds.

"My Queen! Watch out!" Mao saw the horror unfold with the inability to stop it. Rushing to intercept the attack Mao was able to knock the queen from her feet. Avoiding the tail when it speared the ground instead of her chest. But he was not able to keep the spray of acidic venom from splattering over her forearms.

Seared save for just the light burn it gave her forearms was nothing compared to what a bath in that stuff would have done. Zu clutched her throbbing forearms. Dropping her dagger without thought as she curled into herself with the onslaught of unfamiliar pain. To be cut or slashed or knocked aside was one thing. This was something entirely different when the monster's poison seeped into her skin. Burning her fur off and eating into her flesh until it was a oozy bloody mess. There was no getting it off soon enough either. When it dissipated the pain still remained. 

"Stay down my Queen!" The Sheriff's voice above her jerked her attention away from the pain for just a second. Mao stood between her and the beast as it readied for another strike.

"Mao wait I can- Ah!" No use when Zu tried to flex her hand and reach out for her dagger only produced the most gut wrenching pain the lioness had ever felt. She dropped her weapon all over again with a clatter. She was defenseless whether she liked it or not.

"I'll handle this my Queen!" Mao puffed out his chest. Almost victorious already that he was the one to stare down the monster.

Clenching her teeth Zu struggled to get back up. Foiled when Mao purposely pushed her back down and ordered her to remain down. Fueled with anger. Almost enough to numb the pain in her arms. Almost

The Queen could not get to the creature before Mao did. Pushing her down to gain the upper hand in that second so he could charge. Claiming the win for himself all in one swing of his blade. The creature couldn't regurgitate it's venom without a rest period and Mao knew that was his moment to strike.

Zu watched with boiling blood as Mao struck down the chimera. Dead at his feet while the hero through back his head and laughed hardheartedly , "I told you I could take care of it!" Mao continued on with himself cackling like an arrogant cock strutting himself, "A hero's place is on the battle field forever and always! What did I tell you?" The black cat looked down at the queen still on the ground. He wasn't even scratched but worse of all was the giant grin he wore as he reached down to offer his help, "That was dangerous, Queens like yourself should stay-"


Mao's gloved hand was smacked so hard he retracted his hand back up to his chest just to make sure it didn't happen again, "My Queen what-"

"You pushed me!"Tears fought their way in the corners of Zu's eyes. Her fangs bared as she snapped at him, "You pushed me then took that all for yourself!"

"No wait-" Mao finding himself painfully tongue tied. He needed to talk his way out of this quickly, "You were hurt, I just-"

"You just wanted me out of your way!" Zu screamed. Tears leaking down her cheeks and the red in her weary eyes. This fight was taxing. But Mao's behavior took everything from her. Struggling to her feet Mao did not dare offer a hand again. When Zu got to her feet she staggered a moment but caught herself with a wince, "You pig! Absolute pig! You weren't saving me!"

"Zu wait I-"

"You're not a hero! You're a liar!" Her words so filled with rage that Mao backed down. Cowering into himself didn't signal the Queen to let up either. She was past the point of returning from this rage, "You- You just use me! All the time! For your sick fantasy to be a hero!"

Mao couldn't believe he was hearing these words. Even more unbelievable when his bottom lip quivered and he quickly bit down on it to stop it, "Zu-"

"Shut your mouth! That's an order!" The Queen seething, grabbed her forearms and shook her head, "You're a liar. A liar that- That will never be a hero unless you get your way." Zu looked up to see the gut wrenching thing of tears rolling down Mao's cheeks. His ears spread far apart with the flood of blank tears washing over his black fur was heart crushing. But she was too far now. Zu sank her teeth into her cheek to pull herself together. While her tears dribbled to a stop, Mao's increased and dripped off his cheeks onto the ground under foot. She turned away lowering her voice, "You used me...I'm done."

The Sheriff's voice cracked, "Zu wait-" He reached out for her as the Queen began back towards Pure Heart Valley. Mao caught nothing when her tunic brushed against his fingertips. She was too far away in what felt like a blink of an eye. And he was rooted in place. Watching as she walked away. Not turning around, even when Mao mentally screamed for her to turn around. Zu never did.

Mao's legs buckled and he knelt to the ground. Vision blurry from the gush of tears dribbling off his chin. Wiping madly at them he couldn't get them to stop. Tears poured from him like a fountain. Helpless as he wiped at his face and only got the blurred sight of Zu disappearing without ever looking back. Even when his voice croaked and he called out to her. Scream. Do anything so she'd turn around to him. Not once did she stop. She meant every bit of it.

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