Kinda Like Ourselves

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Pushed back from her face for the up teenth time of the night. Zu groaned unhooking her belt from her waist just to toss it the couple of feet onto the overstuffed bed. Hand still in her pink pomp the Snugglemane turned to look at the sheriff behind her, "Mao-" Zu's teal eyes hovered on the black cat, "Are you sure- I mean after the day you had." Running her nails through her pink mop once again she fought off catty and concerned all wanting to surface, "Your dad and all. Maybe you should go be with Badgerclops and Adorabat if you'd prefer-"

"You know, I think my dad actually liked you," Mao spouted off the wall. Interrupting anything Zu was trying to convey to him in her own little form of comfort.

"W-What?!" Spitting her words up like a sputtering mess, the eldest Snugglemane scoffed at the audacity he even had to say that after all that'd happened, "Your father is a no good- I mean really  just the worse I could have crushed his windpipe and not once-"

Mao snickered. Uncharacteristically so. And Zu stopped ranting to see the black cat palm the back of his head with those god awful red gloves as he seemed to be mulling something over, "...I...I didn't need you to say all of those things in front of him. About wanting me here... I could have, thought of something to say to him."

Zu looked him up and down like she was skeptically. Only to start undoing the pressure wraps around her legs after this grueling day, "Yeah well...It's not like I planned on saying all that stuff today." She got far enough down on her bindings that she chose to sit down on the edge of her bed. Continuing to slowly unwrap her weary legs after the strain of the fight and meeting Shin Mao for the first time. Eyes cast down she didn't look up to the Pure Heart Sheriff as she spoke, "What you said I just...I agreed with it, ok."

"Agreed?" Mao came before her. Hesitant to be close without getting a wallop of harassment. But her silver tongue seemed cooled tonight. Perhaps the tiredness in his own voice enough to remedy any sarcastic banter since she didn't bat an eye when Mao stood before her as she finished up undressing her bindings, "About?"

Zu looked up at the normally shorter feline. Sat down at least she was a little less than a head shorter than him, "About, liking yourself or whatever."

Like the rest of his features that were hardly visible in the sea of black fur on his face, Mao's forehead furrowed a little confused with those emerald eyes fixated down on her, "Me liking myself?"

"No you dolt," Zu rolled her eyes as she shoved her compression bindings with her leather belt and daggers, "I agree that I too like myself since having met you...I...I feel the most like myself when I'm around you."

More surprised by her words than any pop up visit from his father. Mao's green eyes widened and he had to take a second to realize what came out of the pink lion's mouth wasn't sarcastic in the least. She was being genuine. And in front of him. Without recourse of action Mao knew not to squander a tender moment.

"When my father isn't around, I kinda feel like myself," Mao shifted on his feet a little tongue tied for his own words. Worse when she tilted her gaze up onto him. Stumbling over it the black cat swallowed the lump in his throat getting stuck in those teal eyes, "But I- Well, being around you- I just- I guess I kinda actually like who I am. I really like who I am when I'm with you."

Blinking up at him like those words were taking ages to really saturate in her. Zu was only a moment before she reached up and with a fistful of his cape yanked him down to meet her lips. Pushing back into the kiss without hesitation. It was unsure who began purring first. Deep throaty contentedness leading into Mao pushing her back. Careful to no break the kiss. Crawling on top of his lioness with the clawing need to be closer gnawed at them both.

Mao for the mere second he was taller, was now back to being the shorter one. Never stopping anything though he found his place resting partially tucked into her side. Arms as tight around her torso. As Zu cradled his face into her chest and pressed her lips to the top of his head. Words filtered around in her head. But she stayed quiet.

While her tail draped itself over Mao's side. And her worrisome hands found Mao's ears to gently rub between her thumb and forefinger. The two cats nuzzled into each other still fully dressed but weary as could be after the day they'd had.

Purring doing the majority of speaking for them. Until finally Zu broke the silence with a murmur against Mao's fur, "Don't you dare ever tell anyone."

Eyes shut with his face mashed into her chest. Mao didn't have to open them to smile wider just as his right hand found the tuff of soft hair of her tail to twirl his fingers in, "Oh don't worry I won't tell a soul as long as you don't."

"I'm lying to my brother."

"Adorabat thinks I'm meditating on the mountain side."

"No sweetie pies saw us come into the castle."

Zu nestled down content with the recount of keeping this softness under wraps. She rested her cheek against his head and clutched the legendary hero tighter to her bodice as Mao shifted and planted himself perfectly in the crook of her body. The bed nearly engulfed them all even as Zu nonchalantly popped off when she kissed his temple, "Oh, by the way Badgerclops knows."

"Badgerclops what-?!

Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart │Mao x OC Drabblesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن