Laura was next to appear by the door. She had the warmest and biggest smile for him as she scooped Nat in her arms. Then came out Clint.

Lila and Cooper released him and they all held their breath as they waited for Clint's next move. Steve held his ground for a bit, unsure how to greet him. Only when Clint started walking down the porch and on the lawn towards him that Steve moved to meet him halfway. They didn't say anything, they didn't have to. They just hugged each other. And being the sap that he was, Clint was the first to cry.

Steve was really happy, he was waiting for this for quite a while. He knew how much the man was hurting and it pained Steve that he couldn't do anything about it, that he had to wait by the sidelines until Clint was ready to grieve with him, with them. It was finally happening and Steve was grateful. For a moment, Steve totally didn't care for the real reason Pepper wanted him there because this moment with Clint was more than enough reason to endure that two and a half hour drive.

Finally, Clint released him. Clint wiped his tears first before walking over to Bucky. Bucky didn't know what to do, he didn't really know Clint but he welcomed his hug nonetheless. To his surprise, Clint's hug didn't feel awkward or forced. As a matter of fact, it was something he didn't realize he actually needed.

Clint released Bucky and gave all of them a smile, a smile Steve knew didn't graze the man's face for quite some time. Clint spread his arms and said, "Welcome home."


Steve, Bucky, Clint, and Pepper were seated at the dining table, while Laura and Happy were at the yard, keeping the kids entertained as the 'grown ups' talk shop.

Steve was holding out Nat's letter as Bucky peered by his side. He went through it twice before he paused and looked at Clint and Pepper, a thousand and one questions written all over his face. Not to mention his eyes were already red and brimming with tears. He shook his head in disbelief.

"It's legit," Clint said.

"I know," Steve cut him off. "It's her handwriting, alright."

Clint smiled. Then Bucky took the letter from Steve and silently read it again. The three patiently waited until Bucky was satisfied and folded the letter again. No one spoke for a while as they all stared at the letter on the table.

"She and her secrets, huh?" Clint tried to joke. "Never fail to keep us on our toes."

"Even now," Steve said with a bittersweet smile. Bucky and Clint felt a pinch of hurt of betrayal in Steve's voice.

"She wanted to tell you, Cap," Clint said. " It wasn't because she didn't trust you could handle it, it was herself that she doubted."

"What do you mean?" Steve asked.

"Telling you about him," Clint continued and pointed at Bucky, "meant confronting something she buried dead deep inside her. Shoveling it open meant a whole six feet of pain to deal with and you and I both can agree, there was more than enough issues for her to deal with all those years. So, I hope you're not blaming her for anything."

Steve shook his head and reached for the letter again. He didn't open it. He just held it in his hands, twirling it, feeling the paper against his skin. Bucky wanted to ask Clint more about her but he didn't think it was the right time for it so he kept his mouth shut. He just stood up and started to slowly wander around the dining area and into the adjacent open living room.

"What do you think?" Bucky asked and looked at Pepper. "Would Stark approve of her decision?"

Ever since Tony's death, Bucky couldn't help but feel bad that he didn't have the chance to talk to Tony about his parents. He wanted to stand in front of the man and apologize. But similar to all the things he wished he could say to Natasha face to face, his apology for Tony ended up as a whisper just to be carried off by the wind.

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