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Steve didn't get any substantial details when Pepper called him the other day. All she said was there was something he needed to see and that Happy would be picking him and Bucky up in three days time. And here he was, comfortably seated in the backseat of the car with Bucky equally comfortable beside him. Steve thought he could try, with caution, to get more details from Happy without the man knowing. But Happy was smart enough to know that Steve was tricking him into spilling some beans.

"Sorry, Cap, that won't work on me," Happy said with a chuckle. "Don't worry, I don't blame you for trying."

Bucky couldn't help but laugh at Steve's poor attempt to covertly extract information.

"I know, I know," Steve said, laughing at his failure. "That's why I usually left that part of the job to her."

"Good plan," Bucky said with a wide grin on his face then continued, "so, Happy, how did you meet her?"

Steve saw Happy shoot them an awkward glance at the rear view mirror. It was quick but Steve was sure, Happy's eyes mirror the same loss all of them had.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Steve immediately followed up.

"It's okay, Cap. Probably the reason why I don't want to talk about it because, well, it's a story that involves my ass getting kicked. If you know what I mean."

Steve relaxed when Happy gave them a smile.

"Yeah, I heard she totally knocked you out," Steve teased.

"Of course she told you," Happy said, a bit embarrassed.

"Nope," Steve said. "Tony did."

"Of course he did," Happy said and rolled his eyes.

Steve and Happy chuckled as they remember their two friends. Steve didn't know the exact dynamics Natasha had with Happy, but he knew Natasha liked the guy. She used the words, dependable, tenacious, and loyal, words Natasha used sparingly when describing other human beings.

"I'll give you this, though," Happy continued. "This --- this is definitely about her."

Steve smiled and looked outside the window as Happy drove them further upstate.

Two hours later, Happy parked the car and when Steve and Bucky stepped out, they saw a sprawling two-storey country house. It was a bit weather-beaten but nothing that can't be undone with a few repairs. They both couldn't help but smile as they admired the house. It had spacious lawns on all sides that led to dense treeline. The only access to the property was a huge gate to the north followed by a long dirt driveway that cut through the trees. It was secluded, quiet, and Bucky immediately felt safe.

Happy was about to tell them to go inside when someone shouted from inside the house.

"Nat, stop!"

Steve and Bucky froze, their hearts skipping a beat when they heard the name. Steve imagined a certain red-hair to emerge from the door but lost the wishful thinking when the youngest Barton pushed the door open and dashed out into the porch followed by Lila.

"Nat, stop! Wear your shoes, at least!" Lila shouted after her little brother. Finally she caught up with him and they both sat on the wooden floor as she struggled to shove a pair of shoes into Nat's feet. Then Lila saw them.

"Uncle Steve!" Lila shouted. She dropped the shoes and ran to give Steve a hug.

Steve may be old but he still can manage an incoming hug from an overly excited teenager. Then he saw Cooper coming out of the door and the next thing Steve knew, Cooper was also running towards him. He opened his arms wider to squeeze the oldest Barton kid into the hug.

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