Gateway Drug | Part Four

Start from the beginning

I stop at the payphone, getting ready to call my parents and check in with them, when someone catches my attention from the corner of my eye.

Turning my head in that direction, I see a mass of curly, blonde hair that compliments blue eyes that seem a little lost as she looks around.

"Tansy?" I ask from where I am and she looks at me, her face brightening.

"Hey!" She rushes to me, careful not to trip in her bright red heels and I hang the phone up, deciding her appearing at a place like this is far more important.

Tansy Reilen, who would later become Tansy Rose, was the walking incarnation of perfection. Her natural hair color was so blonde it almost appeared white, her eyes captivated whoever she was looking at with their vivid bright-blue color and standing at 5'3" made her the perfect size to fit in your pocket and take her with you anywhere. She had a voice that could calm a Hurricane and enough strength in her to start one.

Her one and only flaw was that she was a people pleaser. Even if it meant pleasing the wrong kind of people. She would do whatever anyone wanted, not because she wanted to but because she hated telling people "no", afraid of being a disappointment or making someone unhappy. Everyone took advantage of that when we were growing up, especially boys once we made it to high school, but the industry slowly violated everything of her's there was left to violate after she got recruited for modeling at age 19. Her own "god fearing" mother, who became her manager, turned her out to whatever photo shoots paid the most, including nude and everything else in between.

By the mid 80s, Tansy made sure she was either too doped up or too wasted to care who photographed her naked and plastered her on a magazine...or who abused their power and got a lot more out of her than a photo session.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her, not trying to sound rude.

"Vince called me and wanted me to come." She tells me, the excitement still hasn't left her face and I raise my brows.

"Vince?" I ask, all of it starting to come together and she nods. "The same Vince that cheated on you multiple times freshman year?"

"It's been, what, four years? Maybe he's grown up a little." She tried to reason with me and I clear my throat, knowing the Devil is a liar.

As if on cue, I hear the familiar sound of Vince's current girlfriend's voice, shouting angrily.

"Fuck you! Piece of shit! Motherfucker!" She screams, the echoing of her hitting Vince bounces off the walls as he keeps saying "babe" trying to reason with her for whatever he did wrong.

"My pants! Babe!" He pleads.

"Fuck you!" She yells back, marching up the hallway angrily, giving me a glance when she passes me, carrying the high-dollar pants she bought for Vince that he loves so much.

Tansy's confused until Vince appears, naked as ever, hand cupping his privates.

"I fucking love those pants." He complains weakly, giving me a pouting look.

"Your swimsuit parts are out." I inform him and he cuts his eyes at me, before he sees Tansy over my shoulder.

Then the pouting stops and his inner peacock comes out.

"Hey, Tans," he grins like an idiot and I put a hand on his bare chest to keep him from approaching us any further.

"Go put clothes on." I order him, and he gives me a roll of his eyes before doing so, giving us a full show of his butt as he walks away. "You had sex with that." I remind her and she exhales.

Gateway Drug | Volume I Where stories live. Discover now