Chapter 14 - Dangerous Liaisons

Start from the beginning

From 3.03 - The End of the Affair: In the warehouse, Klaus compelled Kaylin to remember.

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.05 - The Reckoning) "When you compelled me to remember our past, you also allowed me to remember more about Rosalita."

From 3.03 - The End of the Affair: In flashback to Gloria's bar, Kaylin, Klaus, Ingrid, Justin, Rebekah and Rosalita were sitting at their table. Rosalita was mind controlling them.

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.05 - The Reckoning) "And Rosalita had a certain degree of mind control that allowed her to even control the two of us, Ingrid, Rebekah and Justin."

From 3.05 - The Reckoning: In the gym, Ingrid gripped Stefan's heart, then compelled Kaylin. Kassandra, Rebekah and Klaus were hurting everyone around them, Kaylin's friends.

Kaylin: (voice over from 3.05 - The Reckoning) "Rosalita told us to believe in showing our love to friends and family and lovers, by being cruel to them if they were cruel to us."

From 3.05 - The Reckoning: In the hospital parking lot, Klaus and Kaylin were facing each other.

"And we both proved that Rosalita's mind control still has a hold of us," Kaylin told him. "It does beg the question, though, how far is Rosa in our heads?"

Klaus didn't answer, looking unnerved.

From 3.12 - The Ties That Bind: In the Hunter House, the Hunters, Kaylin, Klaus and Ingrid were talking.

"What about you, Hunters?" Ingrid asked. "Or Justin Benson? How's Justin dealing with the fact of his history with Rebekah? Or how are you dealing with the fact of your history with Kassandra, Cristian?"

"My 'history' with Kassandra was literally only me being emotionless and hooking up with Kassandra since she didn't mind the killing," Cristian replied.

"Okay, then," Ingrid told him. "What about you, Jack? How are you dealing wthe fact of your history with me?"

"I literally just found out, and I'm not really bothering to give a damn," Jack answered. "Ancient history where I'm concerned."

"Glad we feel the same way about that, Jack," Ingrid told him. "And you, Charlotte? Your history with Evan?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm sure that I'm sure as hell not talking about Evan with you two," Charlotte answered. Klaus and Ingrid smirked. "But when you two gave us our memories back, we remembered that Evan was the one that turned us into vampires."

From 3.11 - Our Town: On Wickery Bridge, Alex and Nicola were talking.

Alex sighed. "This dimmer switch is a bitch."

Nicola chuckled at the way she had said it.

From 3.10 - The New Deal: In the alley behind the Grill, Alex rushed toward the hybrid, pushing him against the wall, punching her hand into his chest to grip his heart. She ripped out his heart, killing him, backing away from the body, watching it fall to the ground.

Alex: (voice over from 3.11 - Our Town) "One minute, I can feel nothing at all, and it feels good."

From 3.11 - Our Town: At night on Wickery Bridge, Ashley started to break down, walking toward Alex, falling into her other sister's arms, crying harder, leaning into her shoulder. Alex was surprised and confused with conflicted emotions of the dimmer switch, slowly starting to return the embrace, and then finishing it with less hesitancy, closing her eyes. Gabriella and Elena held them both in a close embrace.

Alex: (voice over from 3.11 - Our Town) "And then the other minute, I'm feeling too much, and it's like it's crushing me down."

From 3.11 - Our Town: On Wickery Bridge, Alex and Nicola were talking.

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