Chapter 4: The Brightest

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"To Hogwarts best and brightest!" Says Professor Slughorn, jolly. I am absorbed in my own thoughts, thinking of the conversation I had with Draco the night before. Did he really do it? If he did, why did he do it? My thoughts are interrupted by Slughorn's insisting questions.

"And you, Miss Granger? What is it your family does in the Muggle world?"

"My parents are dentists. They tend to people's teeth." He asks me if being a dentist is dangerous. I laugh. 

"No. Though, a boy named Robbie Fenwick did bite my father once. Needed ten stitches." I laugh, remembering the pleasant time when the boy who bit my father was the worst fear I had tormenting me. No one laughs. I'm not surprised. Not many people understand the Muggle world. I feel continuous stares and winks coming from Cormac, all unrequited. How could he think that that could be appealing to me? 

I look around the room. It really is filled with smart people. I really wish them the best success in life. I hope that all these troubles will be over soon. If Harry and Dumbledore don't fix this, things could end very badly. Actually, they already have started to go badly. Hogwarts isn't safe. England isn't safe. However, at this moment in time, surrounded by wonderful, smart people (mostly, I think to myself as I am reminded of Cormac), I feel safer knowing I am trusted, cared for and understood. Abruptly, Ginny enters the room, with puffy eyes and a sad expression on her face. Clearly she must have been fighting with Dean. I feel bad for her as I realize how much love must mess you up but then I giggle as Harry is the only one to stand up as she comes in and I hold back the urge to tell him about how obvious it is that he is in love with her. Love really does mess you up. Slughorn asks us questions about our families, some of us are more privileged than others, clearly. I start thinking about homework that I can start to do tonight, what books I can read but I realize that I've finished all my homework and all the borrowed books that I have at the moment. Slughorn asks us what we want to do when we grow up. I don't know, Sir. I just hope to be alive. Ok, maybe I should think of a better answer. I think I'd like to work for the Ministry. Or maybe, at a Bank? I don't know. Maybe I should really start thinking about it. As I think about my future, time passes and I feel like I have been stuck in this room for too much time. 

Once dinner is over and we are dismissed, I keep my promise, made exclusively to myself, and go back to visit Draco. Usual time, usual place. It feels like it has become a ritual. As per usual, I hear footsteps approaching. I really do wonder what Draco does so late at night, away from his room. At least I have a semi-decent excuse. Sneaking away from Harry and Ron is not simple though. I feel I will be running out of excuses, soon enough.

"So you really came back..."

"So it seems." I say, staring at him straight in the eyes. "As you can say, I am not someone who gives up easily when they really, really want something."

"I can tell." He says and I almost perceive a smile. He walks closer to me but I step back as he does. "Are you afraid of me, Granger?"

"I am not afraid of someone who can't admit his wrongdoings. But, for all I know, you might be a Death Eater so I'm just keeping the adequate distance."

"Wow. Now that is a serious accusation make. Coming from a Mudblood, that does not surprise me." He says, with a serious look on his face.

"Honestly, you should really come up with new insults." He gives out a small laugh.

"I am starting to believe you enjoy my company. What, coming back here every night."

"Shut up. The last thing I want to do is see you. I just want to help Harry find out the truth about you and your filthy works. I'm just doing my best friend a favor."

"Sure you are. How kind of you. Well... Do me a favor too, then. Refer back to your friend that he should keep his nose out of my business. I didn't do anything to Katie Bell. Now, get out of my way." He says, starting to stride past me. As soon as his shoulders brush mine as he is walking, I feel shivers down my spine.

"Where are you going? I ask myself that every night. You disappear, sometimes. Every night you go somewhere and I don't understand where to. Sketchy behavior, if you ask me."

"Do you really think I would tell you?"

"Doesn't hurt to try." He smiles at my insistence. He stops walking, turns back. He walks back closer to me. 

"I've never seen this side to you, Mudblood. I think I like it."

"Don't talk to me like that."

"That's an odd way of flirting." What has happened to Draco Malfoy? The boy who has insulted me and my friends since the day we got here. What has happened to me? Why am I here? Maybe I should leave.

"What are you even --"

"How was dinner with Slughorn? Odd of him not to invite me. I really did think I was one of his best students." He says, with an amused shrug.

"Sure you did. You can't even cut some Valerian root without hurting yourself." We look at each other and start laughing as we think of his clumsiness in class the other day. I can't believe I'm laughing with Draco Malfoy. What am I doing? If Harry and Ron saw me, the would never forgive me. I feel to urge to lean against a column, facing him, my back resting on the wall. He looks at me and leans against the wall, just next to me. Now we both face the corridor. I turn to look at him. He looks innocent. I've never believed it. I've never believed he was innocent. But as I stand, next to him, so close to him, I feel his vulnerability. His pale face is empty, his eyes are sad and his expression hurts me. This is not the face of a killer. I don't believe it.

"Why do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"Why are you a Death Eater?"

"Again with the accusations?" He rolls his eyes.

"Why?" I say, with a stern look. He looks like he is about to answer when we hear a door creak open and footsteps approaching coming from the Slytherin Common Room. His eyes open wide and my heart starts to race. I do the first thing that comes to mind; I run around the corner and fake to be walking towards the Gryffindor Common Room, as if coming from the Library. Draco leans against one of the columns on the other side of the corridor, staring out of a window. I don't know who we were expecting but Pansy Parkinson walks towards us, with a confused and inquisitive look on her face. I start walking towards away from them.

"Miss Granger." Says Pansy, with a sly smirk on her face. "As a prefect, it is my duty to let you know that if you don't want me to report you running around the corridors past curfew, then I suggest you go back to your dormitory immediately."

Draco turns around, comically. "Thanks Pansy, I was just about to tell Miss Granger myself." She smiles at him, then stands still, her arms folded across her chest, waiting for me to leave. I leave, I don't know if I was running. Or walking. Or maybe both. As I am about to turn the corner, I turn around and see Draco who also turned around to take one last look at me as I see Pansy place her arms around her 'beloved' boy taking him back to the Common Room.

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