Chapter 3 - You cant speak Korean?!

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Heyyy, my iPad is back! Erica can not speak Korean so she invited two of her friends that are in Korea to join her (I based them in me and my best friend [ofc fake names][we both live in Korea irl]) I'm Raelynn and she's Hyerin. I'm not gonna waste anymore of your time today and I don't know what to write here so...let's get to it!

Ben's POV
Shortly we arrived at the airport, and by shortly I meant: deadly fast I puked when we got out. Ok back to the point, we weren't late anymore because of the little bit faster cab drivers, so we could chill out a bit. Cyrus had gotten our passports since we all forgot. I was lost in my thoughts when I couldn't help but wonder; could Erica speak Korean? If she couldn't, what was her plan? I guessed I would ask her later. I thought about the information on my dossier and tried to put it together, but I just got downright confused. Soon enough I snapped out of my thoughts because the speaker announced "Flight 60937579 now boarding, Flight 60937579 now boarding," We slowly boarded the plane together.

Erica's POV
We all boarded the plane as soon as the lady said we could board it. My seat was next to Ben and Zoe, Ben on my right, and Zoe on my left. That what pretty good seats right? I knew that soon enough, Ben was going to ask me what my plan was because I couldn't speak Korean anyway so better off next to him. It was a twelve hour and thirty-one minute flight so I decided I should get some sleep and soon I drifted off.

Ben's POV
I got on the plane and sat at my assigned seat, Erica on my left, and Mike on my right, we all knew it was best to get some rest, the ride was one day none the less, so we had lots of time. Frankly this was the longest flight I'd ever been on despite being a spy, the longest flight I've been on was two hours at most. We strapped in and just a few minutes into the flight, Erica fell asleep on my shoulder, I was very surprised she did this but then I thought better. She must have just done it by accident right? Well, it was fine with me, it kind of felt comforting and warm. I also didn't want to move and wake her up, so I let her stay. Mike glanced at us and wiggled his eyebrows at me. I answered by rolling my eyes and blushing a light red. Soon we all fell asleep, I didn't have many options and I've been wanting to do this anyway so I rest my head on her head and smiled softly.


Erica's POV
I woke up seven hours later, I had realized That I had, had a great sleep last night, then I saw why...I woke up on Ben's shoulder with his head resting on mine. I was horrified. One side of my brain thought Erica, face it, you like him! The other half; Erica, you don't like him, you can't like him. I ignored these thoughts and slowly took his head off mine and then layed his head on the armrest with a pillow on it, and then started to let myself drift into my thoughts,


Erica's POV
Lunch was being served about half an hour later, this was when everyone woke up, Ben woke up before the others. No one was awake except us, so I smiled at him, I didn't really understand why though. However he liked it and smiled back, so I was happy. For the lunch choice there were two choices, both were Korean food so I didn't really know them, it was either Bibimbap or Bulgogi. I got Bibimbap since apparently it was the choice with the most vegetable variety. It was really good! It had a variety of meat rice and mostly vegetables but I usually eat salad, but compared to salad, it was great! I never really thought about the taste of food before but I guess there's a first time for everything!
Then it was that time when Ben asked me, "Erica?" "Yes?" I said, even though I very well knew what he was going ask me, "Uh..can you speak Korean?" He asked, reluctantly, I gave him a cold glare as I answered but couldn't help but put 𝕒 little bit of shame in it, "No." I answered calmly. "What!? You can't?!" Zoe and Mike half shouted, I couldn't help but feel ashamed of myself and accidentally sighed "I can't speak every language guys," Zoe started to comfort me "Erica, I'm sorry, just I thought~" I cut her off "NO!" I immediately started to shame myself, why did I say that! What's happening to me! Just be normal Erica.
"sorry." I said quietly, then started to occupy myself in my notebook. But then Zoe said "I'm sorry Erica, it's just, I've always wanted to be friends with you, and I've never really had a girl best friend here, but you're hard to understand" that just changed me all through, I felt so bad, from then, I knew I would be friends with Zoe for a long time. "I whispered to her; "me too," she smiled at me, and I smiled back. Suddenly, I felt this confidence, and I already had 𝕒 plan long time ago, it was time to tell them, "Don't worry guys! I have a plan"

Did you like the chapter? It's longer than my normal updates, which I guess you guys like, but anyway, hope you enjoyed! Word count: 962 words ;)

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