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We started dating in October. I really liked you and it seem like you liked me so you asked me out over FaceTime.
I thought it was really cute.
You sat by me on the bus and leaned on my shoulder and even hugged me bye. We FaceTimed every single night and had goodnight and good morning text. It was your average cute couple that everyone wanted.
Before we started dating I had this friend named Caden. He was a grade below us and I would sit by him everyday because he was my only friend.
I told my friend Lacey about him and I was joking around when I said I liked him to see her reaction. I didn't like this kid at all.
Lacey told Wyatt I liked this kid. Caden and wyatt had bad history after a fist fight so wyatt got mad. As I say saying Lacey told wyatt before me and wyatt started dating.
When me and him were dating he would say stuff like "you like caden" and "Lacey told me blah blah ect."
One day I asked him where to sit and he pointed next to caden. I wasn't paying attention and that was the only open seat i saw. Apparently that was a test to see if I would sit by him.
Wyatt got mad and broke up with me the next day.
The next week he said he liked me again. Me being a complete dumbass said yes and we started dating. Our moms were friends so he came over. We hung out for a while. She hugged me. Layed on me as a pillow, and hold my hand. I liked him a lot again.

All till today. I have a best friend named Gia. He told me he liked her while dating me today. I'm heartbroken.

My best friend.

Then he expected me not to get mad.

Bitch move wyatt.



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2019 ⏰

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