Chapter 1: Stressed out of my mind

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Daniel Lim stood in the shower- letting the hot water burn his light skin. He leaned forward, his hand against the wall of the tile wall. He was stressed out and was looking forward to a shower with burning hot water. Before he could enjoy the quiet for any longer- he heard a bang on the door.

"DANIEL! I NEED TO PEE! HURRY THE FUCK UP!" Stephen shouted from outside the door.

"Ugh... Pee outside!" Dan shouted back.

"Daniel? There's no more milk- I don't like eating cerial alone..." Hosuh muttered on the other side of the door.

"Then DON'T eat cerial!" Dan exclaimed slamming the knob shut, "Anything else???"

"... I clogged the kitchen sink..." He replied after a bit of silence.

Dan opened the door, a towel around his waist. "What? How?"

"Stephen... Uhhhh... Never mind- I'll fix it," Hosuh mumbled, running off.

"What did you do?" He asked Stephen as the silver haired man ran off.

"I-I... Uhhhhh- nothing?" Stephen mumbled nervously.

"Didn't you need to go?" Dan asked motioning towards the open bathroom door.

"Oh! Right! Almost forgot!" He exclaimed, running in and shutting the door.


"What!?" Dan shouted downstairs as Hosuh peeked up at the greenhaired man.

"U-uh... The kitchen... Is flooded and I can't get the sink to stop running... I broke the handle..."

"YOU WHAT? UGH..." Dan began to breath heavily as his hands began to shake, "You guys are so annoying... Can't you go and fix it yourself???" He exclaimed as he began to panic.

"Daniel?" Stephen asked, opening the door- it may be a bad time to say it... But, one? There's no more tp... And... I... I clogged the toilet..."

Dan stood up, his body shaking. He then rubbed his head, pointing out of the room. "Get out."


"I SAID- FUCKING GET OUT!" Dan shouted, losing his mind. He pulled out 10 bucks handing it to Hosuh then pointing at the stairs. Stephen and Hosuh watched as he shook, "Leave- go somewhere so that I can be alone... I have to... I have to edit the recording for this week's video... Please, for god sake- leave." Dan mumbled as he continued to tremble and breath heavily.
"Well... What if we need wings? 10 bucks isn't gonna cut it.. Just saying.." Stephan mumbled.

"Know what? HERE! GET OUT!" Dan shouted, shoving his credit card into the purple haired man's chest, "Stay out as late as possible- Imma have to let you two use as much as you want of my money if it means keeping you two children out of my face."

"You mean all of it?" Stephen asked with a smirk.

"Fine." Dan replied, sitting on his bed and opening his laptop.

"Wait- really? W-why?" Hosuh asked confused.

"Why are you two still here?" Dan groaned, opening google.

"Yeah, hos! C'mon! I'd rather be blowing Dan's money like it's nothing than being with the actual guy- les go buy a insanely expensive item then throw it away for absolutely nothing!"

"But it's Dan's money..." Hosuh mumbled.

"All the more reason to buy a car then drive it into a river!" Stephen cackled, dragging Hosuh away.

"Bye, Daniel! Have a nice day!" Thr silver haired man called from downstairs.

Dan sighed, looking down at the screen. In the search engine in dark letters it read, "What are popular dating websites?"
He stared at the screen before moving his fingers through his hair, letting out a shaky breath. He looked down, before placing his laptop on his drawer.

"What are you doing?"

He layed down on the bed, moving his arm over his face as he shut his eyes.

"As if that'll ever happen..."

DanPlan ({Killing me slowly})Where stories live. Discover now