The Talk

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It was only a few minutes until midnight, (y/n) sighed as a familiar voice spoke to him "(y/n), it's bed time" a woman's voice spoke. (Y/n) sighed before he began to trot to the water, however he stopped at the edge. He stared at the water then back as the voice rang again sounding a bit angrier "(y/n), its time for bed" however (y/n) did not move, he stood at the edge of the water before a rough and angrier sounding word came from his mouth "no..." The voice was utterly shocked at him talking back before it angrily spoke "(y/n)? What do you mean no? It's time for bed!" However (y/n) did not move, he then mustered up all the courage and strength he had to speak
    "no mom... I have friends... No longer alone... I'm... Happy... I won't go to bed... I won't leave my friends... And if you have something to say about it... Then your dead to me..." The voice was silent for a few minutes before the voice became a bit happy sounding and slightly sweet "so... You decided to finnaly talk back... You were always like a dog (y/n)... Following my Evey order... It's about time you thought about your own happiness and not mine, (y/n), I'm proud of you, and I will still be with you... You shall still be undead... But you can now go wherever you please... Whenever you please..."

   (Y/n) stood still for a moment, he was in shock, but he soon felt something other than bloodlust, anger, and hatred, he felt... Happy... He hadn't felt that in a long time... He soon said "mom... I will continue to make you proud... I'll help friends kill... I will still get revenge... I will still make you proud..." the voice fell silent for a few moments before the voice sounded a bit happier "(y/n)... I wish you luck... Now why don't you go Share the news with your friends?"
     (Y/n) jolted his head up as he nodded "yes... I love you Mom..." The voice then said back "i love you to... Son..." (Y/n) soon nodded as he turned around with an overwhelming feeling of happiness, the one feeling he's never truly admired but he was happy he was happy, eo he trecked back to the camp to go see his...



A/n: heyyy im back! Did ya miss me? Hopefully, well sorry this chapter is a lil short since Im kinda half asleep so hey can ya blame me? Anyways thanks for all the reads! I never expected to get much attention, but, i guess I got what I never needed but wanted. So thank you. Also if you have any suggestions on what should be next comment here!

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