Whatever I'm Going...

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Jack's Point of View

Come get out if here but how, how, how. Of course why didn't I think of this ages ago. The window duh. Of course North wouldn't lock that. So I went over to the window and thank god it wasn't locked. So let's go and get my team back shall I and go and find Punzie.

First I decided to go and get Merida. I travelled to Dunbroch. It was a pretty small Kingdom not like the one in Arendelle when I went to get Elsa and Anna. I looked around for a bit until I went up to the castle doors to ask to see Merida. "Hello can I see Merida I'm a friend of hers," I said to this women who answered. "Of course you must be Jack follow me," the women said. So I followed her up a hallway then a couple of stairs. It felt like forever until she said "She's in there be nice she's so upset from what's happened between you all." Then she left. Knock Knock. "Go away," I heard a voice inside.

Merida's Point of View

"Come on Merida its me Jack let me in," I heard a voice say outside my door. I went over and unlocked it and it was Jack. I gave him a huge hug as I thought I would never see him again. "What you doing here I thought we had to stay at our homes," I asked him. "Well I'm disobeying orders and were going to get the others and find Punzie." I liked this idea so I got my stuff and we set off for Berk to go and get Hiccup.

We got to Berk and it looked small but I bet they had other places to go instead of their village like mine of course we have a forest. We landed on the island and everyone looked at us quite confused and scared. "Hi were looking for Hiccup any of you know him," Jack asked them. "Jack of course they know him he's the Cheifs son you idiot," I said to him and whacked him in the head.

"Don't worry everyone their friends carry on with what your doing," this blond girl said then came running up to us. "You must be Merida and Jack," the girl said to us. We nodded. "Who are you may we ask?" I asked her polietly. "Sorry I'm Astrid Hiccup's friend follow me he's this way," Astrid said to us. So we followed her to the house at the top of the village.

Jack's Point of View

We followed Astrid and she led us into the house and to a door. "He's in there and won't come out. He's been in there for days." Astrid said to us. We knocked on the door. "Astrid will you just leave me alone," we heard Hiccup say on the other side. "Would you really say that to your best friends," Merida said. "What Merida is that you and who else is with you," Hiccup said close up to the door. "Jack, it's me and Jack," Merida replied to him. Suddenly the door unlocked and Hiccup was standing there looking really upset.

Hiccup's Point of View

I unlocked the door and it was true Merida and Jack were standing there next to Astrid. I lunged myself straight into Merida's arms and burst into tears once again. "That's the first time he's come out of his room since he's come back," Astrid said to Jack. I let go of Merida and asked what she was doing here. "Were here to get you and go after Punzie with Anna and Elsa once we've got them," Merida replied to me. I hugged her one more time and said "Ok lets go."

"Hiccup be careful and I'll tell your dad where you've gone," Astrid said to me and gave me hug. "I will Astrid and thanks," I replied to her. Then we set off. Next stop was Arendelle for Anna and Elsa.

The place was beautiful and we went straight for the door and knocked. Elsa answered and hugged all three of us at once. "Where's Anna, Elsa?" I asked her. She said she locked herself in her room. I ran straight for her room even though I didn't know where it was. So I went back and asked where it was. Once Elsa told me I ran straight for the room.

Jack's Point of View

When Elsa opened the door she looked just as beautiful the last time I saw her. She glowed up so bright like the sun and sparkled just like a snowflake. "Oooo looks like someone has a little crush," Merida said to me when we got inside and I just gave her a look but I didn't say I didn't have a crush on Elsa cause I did. But I didn't say anything just in case she didn't feel the same way back.

Anna's Point of View

Someone knocked on my door and I thought it was Elsa so I shouted go away. But they didn't answer just knocked again. It couldn't be Elsa cause she usually replies so I went over and unlocked the door. It wasn't Elsa who was standing there it was Hiccup what was he doing here. Instead of asking I gave him a hug. "Come one were going to get Punzie back and we need you," he said to me. So we let go of the hug and ran downstairs.

Elsa's Point of View

"So what you all doing here?" I asked them. Merida said to me cause Jack just kept starring at me, that we were going to go and get Punzie back. But I was like we need to get Anna out of room before we do anything. But there was no need she was standing at the top of the stairs with Hiccup. "So shall we go then," I said to them. And we set off somewhere out in the open where no one would find us.

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