Are You Ready to Talk...

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Hiccup's Point of View

I didn't leave my room for a few days well more than that. I didn't come out ever. They left food by the door so I could collect it when I wanted it. Then one day I got a knock on the door and it was Astrid, "Hiccup can I come in and talk. The village is worried about you especially your dad. You were gone for ages and we didn't know where you were, now your back and you won't talk to anyone. Can you at least talk to me." I had to talk about it to someone and Astrid was the person so I gave in and let her in my room.

I opened the door and fell straight into her arms and hugged her and started crying again. I felt like a wimp. But she was my friend Punzie why wouldn't I cry. "It's alright Hiccup lets sit down and we can talk about it," Astrid said to me as we sat back down on my bed. "So for a start where have you been?" she asked me. So thought I might as well tell her the whole story so I started from the top.

"After I called your name out I ended up in a Palace which was in the North Pole. I met some people there, Jack Frost, Merida, Punzie, Anna, Elsa and we became the best of friends. But then Pitch struck and that was our time to work as a team. We missed him the first time and that was when he first met us all. Then Jack went after him alone and we found him knocked out. Punzie healed him with her hair as when she sings a song it heals people. Pitch said that she interfers with his plans when we fought him again and said that he would come back for Punzie...." that's when I slowed down and went quiet.

"He came for her didn't he and now she's missing," Astrid said it me and I nodded and cried on her shoulder and she hugged me tight. "It's ok Hiccup I'm sure the others will find her but why didn't you go with them." I told her what North did and she was shocked. "We need to tell your dad Hiccup so he knows where you've been," Astrid said. I told her she could I wasn't going to leave my room. So she went and left to tell my dad.

Astrid's Point of View

I felt so sorry for Hiccup he needs to go and help his friend but plus he needs to leave his room. He can't stay in there forever. Once I told his dad he went to tell the village and said don't bother him when he comes out. So I went back to Hiccup to get him out of his room.

"Hiccup its me again can you come out and face everyone and Stoick said not to bother you so come on out," I asked through the door. I waited but he didn't come out and then I gave up and left him there until he wanted to come out. After all no one can force him.

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The Big Six - Trapped, Lost, Alone (Book 2 Sequel to The Big Six)Where stories live. Discover now