"You are meant to represent your house when your father can't," agreed Theon.

Robb's blue eyes looked between the two, his gaze meeting Theon's, "And it's not your duty. Because it's not your house." He turned back to watch Bran and Domeric but immediately stood. He moved passed his wife and son to clearly look around their surroundings. "Where's Bran and Domeric?" Rhaenyra stood quickly, her violet eyes looking through the rows of trees for any sign of a horse. She lifted Henry, holding him closely to her chest.

"Don't know," Theon said. He quickly reached for his bow, prepared to search for the two. Robb's hand rested against his sword, he worriedly glanced to his wife. "It's not my house."

"Fuck you, Theon," Rhaenyra screamed as she walked to the edge of the clearing. She hurriedly reached into her dress' sleeve, gently retrieving her thin dagger from it. She walked quickly, trying to maneuver over roots and rocks with her son in her arms. Worry encased her at the thought of finding them, dead or terrified. Rhaenyra's breathe shattered with each step. Her palms sweated beneath her gloves as irrational thoughts and images filled her mind.

A knot filled her stomach as she heard shouts and cries. Rhaenyra began to pray to the old gods, begging them. Feet away stood her husband. He gripped the neck of a woman, his other hand strongly held his sword. Before them, was two men. The three were dressed in disgusting clothing, dusty furs, and leathers. Wildlings, she thought.

The two men held Bran and Domeric, in alarming positions. Bran was chocked by his neck, his lower body laid heavily against the mud and grass below. Her son was dangled by his feet.

Rhaenyra swallowed heavily as her fear increased. She looked to her side, rage encasing her as the leaves crunched under a foot's pressure. She tossed her dagger, gripping it tightly to press it against the threat's neck.

"Shit," Theon whispered, he fell back slightly as he looked to her dagger. Ignoring the weapon, he simply nodded to the sight before them lifting his bow and a single arrow as he did.

Rhaenyra adjusted her grip on Henry, praying he would not make a noise. Slowly, she walked toward Bran and the wildling. She turned back toward Theon, gesturing to the other holding Domeric.

She gripped her dagger tighter, the jewels that embedded its handle indenting into her palm. She quietly reached the wildling's back, she felt Robb's eyes on her as she imbedded her weapon into the man's skull. The quick crunch of bone and the spurt of blood was all she needed. Rhaenyra pulled her dagger from the man, pushing him away from Bran as she did. She ran toward the wildling woman as the sound of an arrow ripped through the stilled wind. Robb ran to Domeric as the arrow shot through the wildling holding him. The arrow had ripped through his tattered tunic, it's head covered in blood and flesh.

Rhaenyra pushed the woman to the ground, holding her down with the heel of her boot. The woman frightenly looked to her, clearly questioning her capability.

Robb held Domeric closely as he held his arm for Bran, the child lifted himself from the ground to examine the death around him. He turned to see Theon, the ward had drawn another arrow. He pointed it directly at the wildling's head, "Pardon me, my lady." Rhaenyra removed her foot from the woman and joined Bran's side. His leg was cut.

"Are you alright?" She questioned, worry evident in her voice.

Bran nodded, "Yes it doesn't hurt."

"Tough little lad," interrupted Theon. He continued to threaten the wildling as he spoke, "In the Iron Islands you're not a man until you've killed your first enemy." He gestured to another daed man, laying feet from the others a sword cut decorating his neck and chest. "Well done."

"What," whispered Rhaenyra, she looked toward Robb with a questioning glance. He glared to Theon. Robb clenched his jaw as his brow furrowed.

"Have you lost your mind?" He intensely questioned, Domeric began to screech at the sudden shout. Robb's hand went to his son's back, rubbing in an attempt to soothe. "What if you missed? My son would be dead!"

"He would have killed you and dropped Domeric! Both of you would be dead."

"You don't have the right."

"To what save your heir's life? It was the only thing to do so I did it."

"Stop." Rhaenyra interrupted, the two turned to her. She looked to the wildling woman that remained under Theon's threat. "What shall we do with her? Kill her?"

The woman rolled in her spot, she hurriedly began to beg. "Give me my life malady, ma lords. And I'm your's." Her desperation was evident as she groveled. Her hands clasped together, yearning for sympathy.

"We'll keep her alive," said Robb, Rhaenyra nodded in agreement.

From Winter To Sumer and Winter Again 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora