Chapter 3

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"Is she...dead?" Andrea looked at the lifeless form anxiously.

She had dragged Miranda up to shore and collapsed next to her, her energy spent. Lily, Emily, and Doug had soon found her after, and now the four of them were looking at the unconscious woman. Andrea placed her hand on Miranda's arm and shivered when she felt the cold skin underneath her fingertips. Miranda's feet were cut from the wood, and there were some splinters in them. Unfortunately, Andrea didn't have a clue how to fix her, and she didn't know if she should bandage it in seaweed to fix them.

"Let me check," Lily strode confidently to Miranda's naked foot and picked it up, holding it by her ear. "Hmm..."

"Look, she's breathing," Andrea gently placed her hand on Miranda's chest between her breasts and felt the older woman's heartbeat. She gazed wondrously at the beautiful woman and hesitantly reached up to brush the stubborn forelock she had itched to move earlier. Despite the seawater, the snowy locks were still incredibly soft, and Andrea marveled at how it flowed through her fingers smoothly-much like running her fingers through a bed of gentle coral. "Isn't she the most exquisite creature you've ever seen?"

Where would we walk?

Where would we run?

If we could stay all day in the sun?

Just you and me

And I could be

Part of your world

Miranda's eyes fluttered open, and the first thing she noticed were two large, beautiful chocolate-colored eyes gazing down at her. The sun illuminated her face so she looked like an angel, and her hair was a lovely shade of chestnut. She was singing and gently stroking Miranda's face. The queen wanted to say something, but a loud barking startled her, and within a flash, the young woman was gone.

"Miranda!" Nigel's voice was filled with worry.

Miranda groaned and strained to sit up to see if she could spot the brunette, but it was a futile attempt. She was gone. Patricia bounded up beside her, and started licking her enthusiastically.

"Good lord woman," Nigel shook his head and bent down to help his queen up. "Were you trying to give me a coronary?"

"There was a girl," Miranda said absentmindedly, staring out across the sparkling blue sea. "She was singing to me. I do believe it was the prettiest voice I've ever heard."

"You've probably swallowed too much seawater. Oh dear, look at your feet. You shouldn't have thrown your shoes off," Nigel shook his head and allowed Miranda to lean on him. He gently turned her away and helped her hobble down the beach. "Come Patricia." With a happy bark, the large dog obediently trotted after the two. About half a mile away, Andrea was sitting on a rock and gazing wistfully at the departing woman.

I don't know when she sang softly, her eyes filled with love.

I don't know how

But I know something's starting right now

Watch and you'll see

Some day I'll be

Part of your world

Andrea was in the best mood she had ever been in. She didn't just swim anywhere anymore...she floated.Humming dazedly to herself, she twirled out of her bedroom and almost ran into her father.


"Oh, good morning Daddy," Andrea said with a large smile and tucked a flower behind his ear.

The Little Mermaid (MirAndy Style)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin