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I was sitting in my room, thinkin' how's it gonna be? Needed skills, a good job, and a college degree. But who was gonna help me find the school that's right for me? No one. I am alone in this world. I stared up at the dusty white plaster ceiling, pondering my pointless existence.
After longing for answers for approximately a hundred and twenty seconds, I opened up my brand new macbook pro and logged onto my myspace to vent about reality to my fellow mellow yellows.
"Frick school!" I posted onto my blog. Then in a matter of seconds, after the post was made viral, my bedroom door disintegrated into billions of individual wood fibers as my father-in-law burst into the room. His sky blue Gucci button up shirt was covered in thick, vibrant spaghetti sauce, which caused it to be almost transparent. His galaxy print meggings were covered in large, prominent sweat stains from his morning workout at the gym across the street.
"Son." He calls to me in a warm, welcoming tone.
"Yes, daddy?" I reply, looking deep into his all knowing eyes.
"Your spaghettios are ready."
"Wow, thanks for informing me dad, I totally forgot about that."
"No problemo son." He give me a thumbs up, then turns around and evacuates my room.
I get up from my second hand office chair that I recently bought at my local Goodwill, covered in several mysterious stains, and started towards the kitchen, whilst avoiding the wood chips scattered across the floor. I ran up the stairs, in glee.
As I made my way to the microwave, something in the living room caught my eye. I quickly grabbed my canned goodness and carefully placed it onto the counter, and peeked into the living room.
There, on grandma's leather couch, sat the Grinch who stole Christmas, in all his hairy green glory. We made eye contact.
I quickly ran back into the kitchen, my heart throbbing as if my Hispanic mother was here to beat me with a flip flop. I swore my face was as red as Winne the Pooh's shirt. I leaned against the wall, processing what had happened. I just couldn't believe it. Senpai has noticed me.

My Senpi 2004Where stories live. Discover now