Forgive me, Calum thought as he studied her eyes. For everything. One day I won't be afraid anymore.

"Well, great show tonight, lads. I love you all. I'm starving. How about a movie?" Michael blurted out quickly, his sentences flowing together.

Michael's words pulled Sienna and Calum's attention off each other.

"I am also starving." Niall quickly agreed from his seat next to Sienna.

Sienna couldn't think. The only thing on her mind was Calum. She wanted to talk to him again, but had no idea what she would say. She'd told him what she wanted and he didn't say a word.

"It's my night to pick the movie!" Ashton quickly shouted before looking to Michael. "If you or Sienna make me watch Dirty Dancing one more time-"

"What's wrong with Dirty Dancing?" Michael quickly defended, sitting up abruptly on the sofa he'd previously been sprawled across.

"We've watched it five times within the past ten days!" Ashton argued with a grin. "Give it a break!"

"What do you wanna' watch, then?" Luke questioned Ashton.

While the other lads were arguing over which movie to watch, Calum decided he was going to turn in early. He needed time alone to think.

"I'm pretty tired." Calum spoke up as he headed for the bunks. "So, I'm gonna' call it a night."

"Are you alright?" Sienna asked calmly.

Calum stopped and turn to face them. His eyes focused on Sienna and his heart started racing.

He studied the way she was looking at him, with genuine concern. Even if they didn't speak often or hang out like they used to, when Sienna knew something was wrong, he could see it in her eyes that she still cared.

Niall and Ashton were quick to notice Sienna's hidden affection in her words. The two of them shared a quick glance to confirm they'd each noticed it.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Calum told her with a single nod. "I'm just drained from the show." He could see it on Sienna's face she could tell there was more to it than that, but she left it alone. "Just need some sleep."

"Okay." She said softly with a nod. "Goodnight."

"Night, Enna." He said quietly.

Hearing him say her name, it still gave her goosebumps.

After allowing himself to look on her for a few more seconds, he pulled his gaze away from her. He looked around at the lads again.

"Goodnight, everyone."


Calum, wide awake in his bunk, stared at the ceiling as his mind sorted through the thoughts flooding his mind.

Things are different, he thought. Since we spoke earlier, things are different.

She still cares, he noted. She still wants a relationship.

Dirty Little Secret // C.H.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ