"I know, I am sorry, I am nervous for you, and  here you are, looking all relaxed how far?"

Nasreen bowed her head, and smiled bashfully. She couldn't contain her smile, That was all it took for Sultana to realize. She engulfed her in a warm hug.
"Congrats Nas, I am so happy for you may Allah bless you with a healthy baby."

"Amin thanks, She said lightheartedly, tearing up.

"Sit down I don't want you stressing yourself."
"I am fine MOM!! this is why I am not going to tell anybody."

"Seriously they will surely find out, one way or another."

"Yeah, that is when they see me one day with a bump, I give  you and Hal lauds, for telling mom and dad about your pregnancies."

"Don't go and start wearing big clothes up and down because you want to hide your bump."
"You are so on my mind." Sultana told her what to expect, the morning sickness and all.

"So when are you going to tell Irfan?"
Nasreen blushed  thinking of her lemonade. "Tonight."

"I am so happy for the both of you, may Allah continue to bless your marriage and protect you from evil eyes."
"Amin thanks, I love you, please don't tell ya Imran especially, and Afrah... If  she hears now, she will start disturbing me." "But she would be the happiest, and why not ya Imran?"
"Oh please, I rather you told dad than him, I wonder how Irfan is going to look him in the eye for getting his sister pregnant."

"Whatever Hal is someone's sister too." "Most definitely." They laughed merrily. "Yaya stop looking at me like that I feel shy."

She stayed for a while and helped her sister with some chores.
"Don't you think you need a helping hand?"
"I need wallahi, I will talk to Hajia Ummah, even if as Sultan helps, there is still so much to be done, I remember when it was just us," Sultana said with an exhausted sigh.

"Please talk to her for me too, I think two of them would do."

"You are mad oo, even me it is one I am getting talk less of you."

On her way home she desired to have ice cream, Haagen Daaz in particular, she had been craving it, for a long time.
She stopped at a supermarket and got the cream and cookie flavor she had been longing for.

She was about to slide in her car when heard a  familiar voice that stilled her.
She turned around, not believing who she was seeing, As Hazelnut eyes clashed with black eyes. 
She looked at him and her heart dropped.
"Nasreen!!!" He called.

"Habeeb!! What are you doing here?"

"I have been following you, you gave me no other choice than to follow you, you seem to have forgotten me so easily you blocked my number Nasreen."

"Look I don't have time for this."

"Ironic it is today you don't have time for me, what did I ever do to you?"

Nasreen was speechless she wanted to speak but the words wouldn't come out, and she needed not to explain any damned thing to him.

She spun around to enter her car when he held her wrist forcefully.

She looked at him and then looked at her hand where he held.
"Release me!! you are in no position to touch me."

"Nasreen it's me, Habeeb.."

"Yes, you Habeeb, so what!! the world doesn't start and stop with Habeeb Bilal."

"How soon you have forgotten me," He sniggered. "You betrayed my trust and love Nasreen in the cruelest way possible."

Then came youWhere stories live. Discover now