➅ Viewing The Cud

Start from the beginning

 Bridger's face showed signs of shock and relief when he took in her words. Quickly he replaced them with a beam. "Great. How about tomorrow night after school?"

"Tuesday nights don't work for me," She apologized.

"Then what about the next day?"

She smiled in satisfaction. They left the lunch line and walked slowly over to their table. "That would work perfectly."

They both looked at each other and gave a smile before moving along to the table. Once there, they plopped down and began to talk and eat with the other, their previous conversation forgotten.

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Later he gave her his address so she could put it in her Stan, her GPS.

Well, he didn't know her GPS's name was Stan. Which she was glad of, she had to admit. Guys just didn't understand the whole naming GPSs thing. Unless the were the type of guy who named their cars or phones. Which those neat sort of guys were hard to find these days to Brenna.

Sadly, most people who heard of her strange habit to name everything she seemingly owned found her obsessions quite weird. Sometimes even creepy. Yet she went on naming everything as if it were a person anyway.

 And she went on with talking to her electronics as if they were real live human beings as well. But, she likes to pretend as though she doesn't do that when others are around.

 After all there was that embarrassing time where she talked to Taylor her Polaroid camera while being the photographer at a birthday party. While all the party goers were getting their picture taken by her she started speaking to her camera which apparently freaked the party people out. Since it was a non-alcoholic party they assumed the reason she was conversing with a animate object was because she might have had some booze. Despite her reassurances that she had never tasted alcohol in her life she was coincidently not the photographer next year.

 Who knew that people thought speaking to a camera was so outlandish?

 So, she refrained from using her GPS's name when speaking to Bridger. They had planned out when she would get there and what would happen once she was there. She found herself very curious about his story which he still had told her nothing about per say. Also she was interested in his family. He had never mentioned his parents and possible siblings before but yet again, neither had she. Their personal lives were barely ever mentioned and she wondered whether or not that would ever change.

 She was scared for it to change, yet she sort of hoped it would. She honestly needed someone she could talk about her life with. Whether it was her interests or family issues. It had been awhile since anyone had heard about her family. Personally, she was annoyed by that.

 She wanted to vent to someone about how positivity strange her life at home was. Who knows, maybe Bridger would be that person.

 It had only been a week or so since Bridger had joined her high school though he seemed to be fitting in better than she did. He had a likable personality, he was good at talking and carrying conversations, he would get you discounts at Denny's (which he really needed to stop doing or else soon every one at the school would be getting them), and he was good at professedly everything he tried.

 Brenna forced herself to think of every good thing she had noticed about Bridger for one very important reason. Once she went into the living room and started walking towards the door her parents would ask where she was going. If they didn't like the fact she was sneaking off to a boy's house she must have everything good about him stored in her mind. Possibly even a few fake things to throw in there. 

The Life of Brenna Normal [NANOWRIMO 2014]Where stories live. Discover now