the beginning part 2

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Ashine says isaac I had another vision I say what was it of Ashine he says destruction Matthew was punched by thanos and you went all evil there was an explosion you were in the middle of it thanos blasted you but you just held his infinity blast and crushed it and then your eyes turned black like full black then there was a storm that shot black lightning and then you broke the infinity gauntlet with it his hand I tried stopping you and grabbed you with some wood and vines and stone but you broke them and whispered stop and I got blasted back words and then you grabbed thanos and snapped your fingers then he just... I say he just what he says he just disappears just like that just gone I say that's insane do you think I KILLED A BASICALLY GOD LEVEL BEING he says yes then I say I am not a GOD suddenly a portal opens up and out comes thanos he says WHERE IS IT I say where is what he says the power stone I know you have it Isaac I say I don't then a purple stone flys out of the portal and so does a blue stone thanos grabs the blue stone but I take it and think of a lab to use its power and the purple stones power suddenly a lab appeared just like the one I imagined then a door opens and a suit pops out and the power stone flys at the suit it is absorbed by the suits what looks like an power source I say oh I thought that that would make a huge explosion I guess not WHOOSH WISP BOOM BEEP BEEP Beep beep beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep BREATHING I say huh where who am I why am I in clouds and storm clouds at that my boy you finally join me in eternal life I look up in front of me there's a man who looks familiar and looks well dressed he has a cape and a metal suit of armor and an emblem with a black steel lightning bolt on his chest and strapped to his back an war axe I say who are you what is that emblem for why do you look so familiar well I am your FATHER and that emblem is a symbol of my power I say oh well do I have that power if I'm your son he says YES BUT sadly you died before you learned how to use it I scream wait I'm DEAD!!!! If I'm DEAD then... YOUR DEAD TO well I see dying made you lose your memory here drink this then he scoops up water from the floor that turns yellow I say no that's probably polluted water he says no it's magic just drink it I say fine but if I die well dead it's on you I drink it with one swift GULP then I have a flash back of everything Matthew Ashine thanos the book fort but I also gain knowledge but only enough to realize that even before I died I was the smartest thing in existence I say dad how do I get back he says now son you know there's no going back after death DAD did you forget I'm the smartest guy in existence I created a new element when I was ONE ON ACCIDENT!!! If there's one thing I can do it's escape death I mean I already as we spoke created a way to get out of this dump people call heaven then he says that's my boy my big man he tells me to go get them when I open the portal then I appear in my body in a coffin I punch it and kick eventually I get the dirt loose and escape then go to my school and find that it's recess for me and Matthew and ashines class I run and find Matthew crying on the ground bleeding and I see thanos the space and power stone then I yell hey big purple JERK face Matthew looks up at me and says I I I it's not possible can you really be be ALIVE I was there I saw the screen show a line you had no heart beat Isaac is it you I say who else that you know is smart enough to escape the grim reaper DEATH CAME TO MY DOOR AND GUESS WHAT I SAID THANOS I SAID TWO LETTERS NO!!! Did you hear that thanos looks at me and yells HOW NO ONE IN THE INFINITY VERSE COULD HAVE ESCAPED FROM DEATH ITSELF I say well look at me I'm perfectly alive RIGHT I guess you should be scared because no matter what you throw at me as long as there's an infinity verse to save I'll catch it and throw it right back at you thanos says thats it I'm done with your children games he blasts me with power stone energy I catch it and I say just like I said thanos I'll catch it I say as I get ready to throw AND I THROW IT RIGHT BACK AT YOU I THROW it at him and he gets knocked into the portal but it changed first it turned black then he went in I say hey so I guess I'm invincible now well to death at least and Matthew says so that's it we won? I guess I say oh that reminds me says Matthew here's a week's worth of homework I say should be a piece of cake because I'm the smartest thing in existence he says come on don't brag about some thing that's not true I say no literally I'm the smartest thing in existence I learned that well I was dead he says As we walk inside oh well cool...


One year later

Pen tapping paper on desk doo doo dum dum dudum dum dum doo doo doo doo doo sirens explosions rocks falling pen tapping stops "sigh" "not this again well it has been a while with out me seeing my pal Matthew I guess I might as well get my suit on" metal scraping metal glass rubs concrete wall boosters charging sound barrier is broken...

Matthew and Isaac will return in 2019-2020 in
The end of thanos witch takes place ten years after the beginning part two

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