Chapter 19- Magical Surprises

Start from the beginning

"I've done everything you ever wanted me to do. From the moment I open my eyes to the second I close them my days are spent making you happy. I haven't met a woman who makes me as happy as she does. A woman that gives me warmth inside and make me forget about the horrors I've inflicted on other people. Nobody is perfect and I'm not asking for your approval of us but I will ask you acknowledge the feeling we share for each other. I love her more than she can imagine, Luke. She's the only good thing I got. Please, let me have this one good thing and I promise I'll never break your trust again." They looked at each other with genuine happiness.

"Uuugghhhh! Fine... you two want to be together so badly that you'll risk dying for each other like some fucking Shakespeare book, great! Don't come to me with the bullshit, drama, or heartbreaks. Since everyone wants to play with my patience I should go ahead and play along. I'm done." I put my gun in the back of my pants and walked out.

"Luke! Luke!" I swear if Daniel calls my name one more time!

I stopped with my back still facing him. "What?"

"Thank you. No one is playing with your patience. We just didn't know how to tell you without you blowing up like you just did. You're like a bestfriend and brother to me but I didn't want to hurt or anger you. I just couldn't be without her. I really do love her. This means a lot to me. Us."

It was my turn to close my eyes and take a breath. I understand where he's coming from. Hell, I was just in the same situation with Celeste and her father. No matter how much I despise the thought of them two... bumping the uglies, hanky panky, bumping and grinding, slip and sliding... oh God! I rubbed my head and turned around to him.

"Look, this wasn't all that much of a shock to me. I saw the way you to flirted and played with each other but I didn't want to face the truth. I'm only rational and reasonable right now because I've went through the same thing and I can understand why you did what you did. However, if you EVER decide to fuck up and lie, betray me, or disappoint me ever again I will end you with no remorse. Understand?" I stood there calm.

"Very. Is there anything you need me to do today?"

"Yup, get Ashley for the game tonight and tell her I'm in the mood for round six." With that I walked to my home office and decided to do paperwork that's been neglected long enough.

After hours and piles of paperwork, multiple phone calls, setting up meetings, and threatening a few people with a promised visit I was finished with work. The clock on my desk reminded me that it was now late and I had less than thirty minutes to shower and get ready.

The brief shower I had refreshed my mind and senses. I threw on a royal blue button down shirt with a few buttons undone. I paired it with some jeans and black dress shoes. I added some of my rings and my chain. I was ready to go with five minutes to spare. As I made it to the stairs I heard Ashley heels as she walked to the last step with a smirk.

"You ready to put down the work and let me play with you?" You know the feeling of getting in your bed with warm sheets from the dryer, getting a glass of ice water on the hottest summer day, getting a orgasm and the person don't stop until you're about to throw them off of you? Yeah, that's how the sound of Ashley's voice makes you feel. The hard on I got is a bonus.

"I'm ready to pull down the panties you got on and do some things to you that I know you'll be shocked of. All you gotta do is say the magic words." I smirked as the smile on her face disappeared but it was replaced with a smirk of her own.

She ran her hands down my chest as she leaned over to my ear. "Who said I was wearing panties?" She licked and then sucked my ear lobe and I almost threw her over my shoulder and took her to my bed.

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