Story #19

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Hello! I know it has been a while.

I have like 2 stories to tell.

I'm going to tell one this chapter, then the one in the next chapter.

Okay so on Friday, my friends and I are just sitting our usual lunch table. We were conversing and eating like everyone usually does at lunch.

So we're just talking and being us when all of a sudden, WATER splashes on us and our table.

So like our table has two sides. I was on one side with my back facing the table that the water came from, and some of my friends were on the other side facing towards the table the water came from.

The water literally got all over my friend's face! Even her eyes, and she had glasses on!! Like wow.

So we turned around and this girl had splashed water on another girl and she was like yelling at her n stuff.

But the girl that got water on her was kinda laughing while the other girl looked mad and was abt to fight her.

But there was no fight so ya..

That's all.

Interesting lunch.

The next story is gonna have an interesting story about lunch too, just wait.

Okie, bye 👋🏾

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