The Journey Begins

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  "Ewoyne!" a mother's annoyed voice called out, travelling upstairs. Ewoyne stirred in her bed, her pink bangs messing in her face. She put her glasses on and looked at her small eevee alarm clock. She shot up as she saw that it was indeed way passed the time she was supposed to be up.

"Shit!" she said, jumping out of bed and heading to her vanity, quickly getting ready. She grabbed her cell, and sighed seeing the 3 missed calls and 5 text from her best friend. Meaning he had already gone and got his first personal pokemon. They were finally able to get their own pokemon and she missed her alarm.

She flipped her hair behind her and adjusted her glasses. She grabbed the outfit she had planned the night before. A black "school girl" skirt, pink thigh highs, a white long sleeve crop top with a heart opening in the chest, a pink bomber style jacket and a pink heart collar. She put on black eyeliner and maskara, finishing her makeup with some pink lipstick. She smiled and twirled looking at herself in the mirror.

She grabbed a small, pink fanny pack and headed out of her room, instantly being stopped by a cold, wet nose. She looked down and saw a happy Houndoom wagging his tail at her. "Morning Cerberus!" she said, petting the pokemons head. He barked at her and pushed his nose against her crotch. She blushed slightly and couldn't help but push against it.

Ewoyne has always been... different towards pokemon. While her family found them either cute as a button, or a battle companion, she didn't. She found them, alluring. More than that actually. She had found herself attracted to them, sexually. Since she could remember she always seemed to push her crotch against the dog pokemon, even when he was a houndour. It got worse after he evolved as well, seeing him bigger gave Ewoyne chills. She always hoped he'd lick her, but he never went passed nuzzling her. Yet, she still became wet every time.

Houndoom never seemed to mind, he wagged his tail faster actually. And even when they would separate, she would notice his cock becoming unsheathed. It made her so curious, and in such a craving to taste it. But there was always a voice in the back of her head, telling her that it wasn't a good idea.

She sighed at houndoom barked at her. She petted his head again before scooting him aside and finally walking downstairs. Her mother was in the living room, which opened conveniently to the kitchen. "Hey mom," Ewoyne said, catching her attention away from laundry.

"Sweetie it's so late! What if there are no more Pokemon available?" she said in a worried way. Ewoyne made a quick bread and butter breakfast and stuffed it in her mouth. "Are you even packed and ready?"

"Yes mama, I'm packed. My bag is by the door," Ewoyne chuckled. She wiped the breadcrumbs from her mouth and walked over to the front door. She could hear her mom following her, probably wanting a goodbye hug and kiss. She stepped down to the entrance and turned towards her mom. The ledge into the rest of the house always gave her mom enough height to be taller than Ewoyne's five foot eleven inches height.

Her mom wrapped her arms around her and kissed her face. "I can't believe you're going."

"Mom," Ewoyne started, hugging her mother back," I waited til I was 16 to go on my Pokemon journey. It's not like I'm ten anymore." They both knew this was going to happen. When Ewoyne was ten, her father left the family. Ewoyne decided then to stay with her mother until she was older. The professor told her before she turned 18, that way she could learn the responsibilities her parents had learned out on their adventure, so they came to the agreement that 16 was the perfect time.

"I know that. But it'll be weird not having you around," her mom said, cupping her hand on her face. "If you need anything, you can call me and I'll come running." Ewoyne chuckled and hugged her mom tightly again. "I love you so much."

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 18, 2019 ⏰

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