CHAPTER 5: Doesn't Believe

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Bakugo's POV:

"I must still be dreaming. There's no way you're here."

"Kacchan I have to tell you something important. After the accident. A man by the name of Shigaraki took me to hell, and now he's trying to turn me into an incubus."

"A incubus?"

"Yes it's up to you to free me from this."

I rolled my eyes and started getting dressed.

"Kacchan you have to believe me!"

I'll believe you when I see some evidence that you're really here."

I walk out of the house and head straight for the hospital where Deku's supposed to be in a coma.

"Where are you going?"

"Just follow me and you'll find out."

When I get there. Deku is still in a coma and yet. This impostor still says that he's really Deku.

"See Deku is in a coma still. You're not him."

"Why won't you believe me Kacchan?"

"Tell you what, if you can tell me how I can free you. Then I'll believe you."

"Well If you show me how you really fee-"

the impostor falls to his knees and grabs his throat like he's choking.

"See you can't tell me so that means you're a-"

I was interrupted by Deku's heart monitor beeping like crazy. When I look at it. His oxygen levels were going down.

"What are you doing to Deku!?"

The impostor falls over and I see the choker on his neck. It almost looks like a parasite trying to take over. When I looked at Deku's throat. I saw the same black lines on him.

"Stop it okay!? You don't have to tell me."

As fast as it came on. The parasitic lines went away on both of them. I grabbed the shirt of this new guy and dragged him out of the room. Slamming him against the wall beside Deku's room. When he rubs his throat with his right hand. I see the bracelet that I gave Deku in my dream. So I checked my jacket pocket to see if I still had it.

"Huh! It's gone. Tell me how did you get this?"

I grabbed his wrist to show him what I was talking about.

"You gave it to me remember? You said it was a good luck charm that your class made for me. It's also the only reason why I can be here. If it's removed from my wrist then I'll never come back. I'll be trapped in hell until I devour your soul."

I let go of him and backed away in shock.

"My soul?"

"In order for me to completely become a incubus. I have to eat the soul of the one who can save me and that's you."

He looks down with slumped shoulders. Then I see tears falling to the floor. Before I could say something to him. He ran away from me. I'm so confused by what's going on that I walk to the waiting room without realizing it and see him curled up in the corner crying. Apparently I'm the only one who can see him because no one is looking at him. Someone walks towards him and they just pass threw. That's when I knew he was telling the truth.

My Soul to Take: Incubus Deku x Kacchan Where stories live. Discover now