"Dad No!" You yelled but it was too late. He punched Thanos over and over again. Mantis gasped as her hold on Thanos slipped and his eyes snapped open just as the gauntlet was just about to come off.

"NO!" You yelled out as he grabbed it and put it back on. He grabbed your face and lifted you up and smashed you into the ground. Everyone else was blasted back and smashed into rocks as most of them blacked out. Thanos was pushing down on your face and pain erupted throughout your body.

But you felt a sudden surge of pain and your eyes snapped open as they glowed and blue electric energy pulsed from your hands. Your celestial blood was pumping and you grabbed his hand and ripped it off your face as you pulled Thanos over you to smash into the ground. You quickly jumped up and continuously punched Thanos across the face over and over again.

He tried to regain his stamina but you gave him no chance as you kicked him in the gut with your strength. Tony soon began to blast Thanos with his energy pulses. Thanos managed to block them a little but he couldn't maintain his posture as your blood was running with adrenalin as you punched him across the face. 

Tony soon ran out of energy for his blasters and joined you in a fist fight but you were running out of energy as your eyes dimmed back to normal. Thanos noticed your lack in energy and took the opportunity to pick you up and throw you away on the ground.

"Kid!" Tony yelled after you but he was to occupied by Thanos to help you. You grit your teeth to deal with the pain as you stood back up quickly to see Tony go to stab Thanos. But thanos grabbed the blade before he had a chance. 

He was about to stab Tony when you ran as fast as you could and shoved Tony out of the way, the blade piercing through your skin. Pain erupted mercilessly from the wound and you stumbled back. Your breathing uneven as the blood seeped through the wound.

Thanos showed surprise on his face for a split second before he pushed you softly back and you stumbled down to the ground Thanos placed his hand on your shoulder and lowered his head to look you in the eyes.

"You have surprised me and I now see that you are much more then a pathetic human. You have my respect child. When I am done, half of the universe will still be alive... I hope they remember you." He brought up his fist and you closed your eyes and waited, taking your last breath.

"Wait!" Strange spoke and you looked over to him, "Spare her life, and I will give you the stone." He said.

"No. Don't you dare." You weakly spoke, "If you give him the stone I swear I will kill you." You could barely utter out anything without emence pain shooting through you.

"No tricks?" Thanos stood up. Strange shook his hand and raised his had. The stone appeared and he sent it to Thanos. It sealed itself into the grove on the gauntlet. But the sudden sound of blasters was heard and you all turned to see your dad, and Peter coming towards you.

But it was too late. Because Thanos disappeared through a blue portal and you were left there, "Why did you do that?" You weakly asked strange.

"We're in the endgame now." He answered.

"Where did he go!?" Your dad angrily shouted, "Did we just lose?" He looked around and froze when he saw you and his eyes widened, "Y/n!" He ran up to you and knelt beside you, "y/n?" He weakly sniffed.

"Y/N!" Peter yelled and ran towards you, "Oh god. That's a lot of blood. Oh man. Mr. Stark! Help!" He ran over to Tony who stood up and limped over to you. He pointed something at the wound and it began to fix itself. Once it was done you sighed. Just because it looked like the wound was gone didn't meant that you weren't still in pain, "Oh thank God." Peter wrapped you in a hug. 

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