Zap - Tom Holland

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"Y/N! GUESS WHAT!!" Tom came running up to me.

"Woah you look exhausted. Did you run all the way here or something?" I sarcastically remarked but Tom actually nodded his head out of breath, "Wait! You actually ran all the way from your house to school! Why!?"

"Because... I had... to tell you... something." He said still completely out of breath.

"Just breath for a bit and catch your breath before you tell me ok?" I laughed and he held up a thumbs up. After a minute of him still panting I spoke up,  "I still can't believe how stupid you are. I mean you could have just driven your car."

"Paddy, Sam and Harry weren't ready so Mum and Dad said I had to wait. But I couldn't wait." He explained and he stood up straight once he had gotten his breathing back to normal.

"What was so important that you had to tell me straight away? You could have just called." I rolled me eyes.

"My phone was flat." He told me.

"Could have used someone else's phone." I raised my eyebrows to which Tom paused for a moment in realisation. The defeated look on his face made me laugh, "Well anyway. Now that your here, what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh right! Y/N I GOT ASKED TO AUDITION FOR A MARVEL MOVIE!!" He suddenly burst. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Your playing with me right?" I asked suspiciously.

"NO I ACTUALLY GOT ASKED TO AUDITION FOR THE NEXT SPIDER-MAN MOVIE!!" He beamed. The realisation that he wasn't joking slapped me in the face.

"HOLY S*** REALLY!!" I covered my mouth with my hand in shock. I jumped forwards and wrapped him in a tight hug, "OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME!" I beamed. Tom laughed at my reaction.

"You? I'm the one who is auditioning. How is it the best thing that's ever happened to you?" He laughed.

"Because. I have a boring, sad life and my best friend just got asked to audition for SPIDER-MAN!" I said excitedly, still hugging him. Tom wrapped his arms around my middle and hugged me back.

"See this is another reason why I couldn't have just called. I'd rather told you in person." He pointed out and I laughed.

"Uuuuuuh Tom? Y/n? What are you two doing?" Harrison's voice popped our bubble. I let go of Tom and he let go of me.

"HAZ GUESS WHAT!" I yelled happily. Tom covered my mouth before I could say anything else. He gave me a look. I licked his hand and he quickly retracted it and rubbed my spit on his pants.

"Eeeeew! Seriously!?" He whined.

"You would have done the exact same thing and you know it." I poked my tongue out. He opened his mouth to say something but he ended up closing it, "Ha! Told ya!"

"Oi! If you two would stop flirting for like one minute could you please tell me what going on?" Has once again spoke.

"Oh yeah! I got asked to audition for Spider-Man." Tom told him casually.

"Okay. Cool." Has nodded and walked past us to put his bad on the rack.

"Are you serious! He could be the next Andrew Garfield! Or Toby McGuire!" I exclaimed. Tom laughed at my over exaggeration. And so did Haz.

"There will be like another 200 people auditioning. He probably won't make the cut." Tom and I fell silent, "Oh my god guys I'm kidding!" Haz laughed.

"Woooow. So funny." I rolled my eyes.

"You should have seen your faces Tom looked like he just lost a million bucks and y/n you looked just about ready to kill me!" Haz laughed.  He walked up to Tom and held up his hand for a high five, "Okay. Okay. I'll stop. Anyway. THAT'S AWESOME!!" He finally yelled and Tom slapped his hand onto his for a high five.

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