[act it all out]

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Such snow-white hands tender a blue rose, caressing it like a work of art. Beautiful, pure, dangerous. His little brother had been planting such beauties around the garden with the rest of the colorful roses. With a sigh, he carefully took it off its pot, admiring it closer.
A hand brush along his shoulder, such confidence, his polka dot suit differs him from his brother, yet the vibes he emits gives off danger and death.

"How I miss his presence, surely you are too, dear brother?"
The rose he admired, put back into the pot it resides in. He holds the said hands from his shoulder, calming the owner as he does so.

"Indeed I do, my dearest. It has been 2 weeks since he left the Underworld cared by his..."
The grip tightens, not too tight to hurt. He continues,
"Foul brothers. Does he not know they know nothing but themselves? How tiresome."

"Patience, brother, he's doing this for our own good in the Underworld."

"Of course, I doubt he'll finish it quick. If he's not back by the time our patience runs out. I will be checking him, whether he wants to or not."


Parking the car, you sigh, annoyed and tired by the ruckus this morning.
Of course, what can you expect, he's stubborn and that was proven since the early days you two act out the relationship.
Still keeping your hands on the steering wheel, you glare at your 'sleeping' boyfriend, who you know, pretending to do so. Such an annoyance. Is he really the infamous Zalgo people tend to fear?

He's small, childish, a pain in the ass yet he still has a charismatic personality, always cheerful, caring and so on, it's like taking care of a not yet mature Zalgo and in truth it does.
'How old was he again? 28, right?' You start wondering, such a small fella, 28 in human age, small as a 12-year-old and with a love for green,
'Sounds like a Zalgo wannabe' you snicker at the thought but still careful, in case he can read your mind. Which he did.

Under that jacket, you can't see what he's feeling but you know he's pouting, judging by the fact his body language shows that he is upset over something. His tail doesn't help that he's upset too.
"Hey. We're at my workplace now." You poke him a bit, wanting to see if he really is sleeping. You can hear a small grumble after the poke.

"Come on, Do you want to go in or do you want to stay in the car? I don't mind you staying in the car sinc-" before you can continue, he springs back to life and instantly get out of the car, hopping like a child who's been wanting to go to a toy store.

"Come on come on! Let's go! let's go! let's go!" He's still hopping. You could have sworn it because of the amount of sugar he consumed, it's just, he looks too hyper that he can break a wall if he wants to.
Sighing in defeat, you grumble about wanting to tie him to a pole if he continues with this childish act.


"woahhh! This place is huge!!" with awe, he marches along to stare at how tall the building is. Even though he lives in a castle, his home was never this tall.
"(Y/n)!!! you work here?!?!!" still surprised, he jumps around the place, the couch, the fake plants, the coffee table, everywhere.
not going to lie, he looks like a child who never seen a building before and yep, very much.

"'Zack', come on." you groan, pulling him into the elevator, somehow, he's already in his human form. must have been preparing way back in traffic because jesus he looks pretty cute??? messy??? how do you describe this guy???

oddly a Zalgo boyfriend scenarioDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora