[another meeting]

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You wake up, in bed, staring at the ceiling, remembering what happened last night.
'It must have been a dream..' You sigh as you stand up, eyes now staring at the wall, you continue staring, thinking about the dream. Is it even a dream? It felt..real

as you put yourself in your deep thoughts, you hear a crash downstairs. Surprise, you run out and immediately look for the sound of the crash but instead of the sound of something expensive, you were greeted by the living room and kitchen filled with demons. Big ones with armor, smaller ones cleaning about and a mix of both carrying a bag or two. You can see Zalgo, wearing a blue colored T-shirt,  himself scolding one of the armored demons, it's head hung low as the Lord himself scold.

"Next time be careful! I can't let any more damages y' know!" He frowns as he notices how upset the guard looks. With a sigh, he hoists himself up using your couch, holding the guard's shoulder, with a reassuring tone, he continues, "hey..no need to be upset, it's just a small little accident. I'm not mad, I'm just worried (y/n) might scold us both if she sees this, ok?"
The guard nodded, understanding his Lord's concerns. You watch as he deals with the other demons need, some with such little voice, you can hardly hear it speak, it doesn't help that even Zalgo himself attempt to mimic the hushed voice but in the end, the demon looks pleased and continue with what it was going to do.

something about this makes you see how caring he is to his loyal subjects. Helping them out with things they barely able to do and eve-


in an instant, all demons in your house turn to gaze. They stare at you, you can hear a few saying, "bless you" and a few more only stare. "uh-" you can feel yourself sweating much more than last night. Slowly, you back away into your room, they continue staring until you hear the child-like sound from the Lord himself. 

"Oh (y/n)! You're awake! how are you? Are you still hurt?" he questions, going upstairs to you while trying to wear his a much darker green jacket. 'what's with him and green', you wonder until you noticed he's only wearing a pair of red boots and no pants. Happily, he smiles, waving towards you though still careful in case you are still hurt. A demon came out of your bathroom, whistling to its heart content until he saw you and his Lord. It stops in its track and watch back, Zalgo ushers the demon to continue with whatever it was going to do. It awkwardly bows down, embarrassed and run off downstairs, grabbing its towel before it falls.

Both of you stare for a while along with the other demons.you can hear a few of them with armor snickering at the poor fella until Zalgo claps, getting their attention and yours in an instant. "come on! respect him and stop standing around. I don't want anyone to make fun of him once we're all done, understood?" he exclaimed, making sure the word "respect" is heard loud and clear by all and even you. with them all obeying the said command, Zalgo goes back to you, smiling back innocently, as if he did nothing wrong.

"so (y/n) would you like breakfast? I'll talk to you about what I am planning on doing to you and your house." he smiles as innocent as he can. of course, this scares you due to how sinister he makes it sound but then again, would you rather die because you disagree or would you survive through everything and make it out alive?


You watch as a maid serve you something your grandma would be making for you back when you're still a child. "I hope you won't mind me rummaging inside your cabinet and whatnot, I just need to make sure none of my subjects stole your belongings-" he munches down the prepared food, smiling and giving a thumbs up to the maid, making her flustered by the compliment. "Oh also also!" he continues, grabbing a piece of paper and hands it over to you, "I found this recipe for (your favorite food) in one of the cabinets! I hope you won't mind again but is it alright if the maids cook this for us for our lunch?" he hops slightly, waiting for your response. You stare at the recipe, reading it to see if it is the recipe for that favorite food of yours. "um...sure? I hope you're not planning to poison me with it..haha.." you reply after confirming that the recipe is the real deal. he tilts his head in confusion.

oddly a Zalgo boyfriend scenarioWhere stories live. Discover now