Hanging out with Sideswipe and Sunstreaker

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Abby looked up as she noticed the store coming into view and Sideswipe noticed that she was starting to shake a little as she never once had a toy, besides the Wii, but other than that she never got anything else. She wasn't sure if she should get toys or if she should just save her money for something else in case someone needs money for something. Her dad was always cruel to both her and her mother since she was born. Her eyes were downcast as she thought about her abusive father.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker noticed that she was quiet and they weren't sure if she was okay or not. Sideswipe noticed her eyes were downcast as she was lost in thought. He knew she was thinking about her past life before she met Crosshairs when she was three. He remembered what Crosshairs told him and everyone else who recently met the femme about what happened to her when he first met her.

Crosshairs was standing in front of the Autobots as Abigail was being chased by both Drift and Bumblebee and she was laughing. Bumblebee and Drift were in their holoforms as they chased the four year old around in the grass. Drift and Bumblebee both grabbed her and tickled her as everyone was watching her try to get away from them and their tickling hands. "No, no, no, no, no, no!" Abby shrieked but they tickled her and she laughed uncontrollably and squirmed but they won't let her go as she kept laughing. Everyone was smiling as they heard the young child laugh before Crosshairs cleared his throat to get everyone's attention before he spoke up, "As you know, some of you already know of what happened to Abigail and her previous predicament before I took her along with me but for those of you who don't know: Ironhide, Jazz, Arcee, Chromia, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker, Abby was being abused and neglected by her sire. Her carrier was killed right in front of her optics. She couldn't turn away otherwise she was next. Her sire has had a record of being abusive to her and her carrier when Abby was born." Everyone who didn't know about Abby's past were furious to hear about what her sire has done to his sparkling and his spark mate.

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker looked over at the four year old little girl as she tackled an unsuspecting Bumblebee to the ground and she stood on his back as she laughed. Drift chuckled as he shook his head before picking her up and setting her on his hip. She giggled as she poked Bumblebee's nose when he stood up again and he took her from Drift and hugged her close still furious that she went through what her sire forced her to go through. She hugged him back with a happy smile on her face unaware of the sad gazes the others were showing.

She looked like a happy go lucky girl who had a new family who loved and cared for her. She was theirs and nothing could take her away from them. Not the government, nor Decepticons, nor someone who says they're her family. She was theirs and theirs alone.
Flashback ends

Sideswipe noticed someone was opening the door to his alt mode's passenger side and looked up to see his twin taking Abigail's hand and helping her out of the car. She looked at him with a smile as she jumped out and waited for Sideswipe to exit the car so they can go toy shopping. Sides got out of the car and he took Abby's other hand and the two brothers walked with Abigail in between them, skipping happily with a smile on her face. Sunstreaker and Sideswipe were both looking at her as she skipped. They walked inside the store and she looked at the toys with curiosity before Sideswipe picked her up and set her on his hip as he and Sunstreaker grabbed a cart and walked around. Abby was looking at the toys with curious eyes and she pointed out what dolls she wanted and both brothers put the dolls she wanted in the cart.

Sideswipe put her on the ground and she tilted her head as she walked off when Sides was busy with calculating the costs of the toys and Sunstreaker followed her to find out where she's going. He followed her to where she was at, which was the Littlest Pet Shop toys were at. Her eyes held the same curiosity but also happiness as she looked at the toys before looking at Sunstreaker and pointed to them with a smile on her face. He nodded and she jumped up and down for joy as Sideswipe walked up with the cart and breathing out a sigh of relief before he noticed she was happy and looked to where she was pointing at and smiled before grabbing the toys she pointed to.

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