Chapter 25: Shadow Play

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Tian Zhen Yang also said, "It seems to be quite useful."

Lu Zhong Ting touched his chin, "I can only conquer it with my charms."

Yan Mu Lin said, "Shall we continue?"

Tao Bai Chen's score was the last, so his mood was somewhat down. He maintained a superficial smile. He knew the other seniors could compare with him, but Yan Mu Lin was a newcomer. He had to suppress him; he did not want to be at the bottom.

Tian Zhen Yang and the others said they still wanted to continue, so naturally, Yan Mu Lin had to continue. He thought about where he had gone wrong and started over. Continue to proceed to the next round, continue, don't waste time!

The five actors all tried their best to get the praise of the machine. The final results were: the first to pass the test was Tang Wen Hao, who have been far ahead. He succeeded on his third try. Yan Mu Lin was the second, and he also succeeded on his third try, but he was a little slower. Tian Zhen Yang and Lu Zhong Ting tied for third place. The two men had to do it five times before reaching the standard. Tao Bai Chen was still the last. He spent the longest time, repeating it seven times before passing. Fortunately, he had passed, or else he would have to give up on this program, since the first level was too difficult.

The staff then led the successful actors into a limousine that was waiting for them. The director then explained the next task in the car which was also the focus of their first episode.

Their next destination was Pi Ying City, which was the city where most shadow play performers gather. There were centuries-old shadow theaters. Different shadow theaters had different styles. There were shadow theaters that had modern dramas, shadow theaters with modern and ancient dramas, and shadow theaters with only ancient dramas.

The program group chose the theater with the oldest heritage and the most ancient drama in Pi Ying City. It had an elegant name, Liuli Pavilion. It was said that the owner's ancestor was a genius. While developing his family's shadow play, he also did not forget to fool around in the brothel. The ending was naturally the happy life of the two after experiencing twists and turns. It was fairytale like. Later, the wife of the genius got sick and died. The genius ancestor got extremely sad. To commemorate his wife, they renamed the shadow theater to Liuli Pavilion.

When Yan Mu Lin arrived at the Liuli Pavillion, an old man with a stern face and a goatee on his chin greeted him. The director gave him a brief introduction: "This person is the shadow master of Liuli Pavilion, Bian Hai Feng. Because you were second place in our competition today, your guide would naturally be Master Bian Hai Feng. You will choose a shadow play to perform tomorrow, and he will teach you how to make a shadow puppet today. They would use the resulting play for tomorrow's performances."

Yan Mu Lin's eyes were bright as he stretched a hand out, "Master Bian, hello."

Master Bian looked serious. However, if you looked closely, his eyes were filled with disdain, but because of the cameras, he still reached out and shook hands with Yan Mu Lin, "Please come with me," Why are you so reluctant to take part in the show? Yan Mu Lin was very puzzled.

Here, it could be seen that on those two days, Yan Mu Lin's tasks were divided into three. First was to learn how to make a shadow puppet, next was to learn how to perform a shadow play, and last, he had to use that shadow puppet to perform on stage.

Shadow play was an ancient traditional art of the Chinese while the old Beijingers called it "Leather Shadow Play". According to historical records, shadow play began in the Warring States Period and flourished in the Han Dynasty. It was extremely popular during the Song Dynasty and spread to West Asia and Europe during the Yuan dynasty. It could even be said it had a long-established history.

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