Sam's Plan

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Destiel Proposal; word count:1656

It was about seven in the evening when Cas entered Sam's room.

"Hey, Cas. What'cha need?" Sam asked.

"Uhhh... I was wondering if... Well, I know it's a tradition to ask the father for his blessing and I can't really do that so I thought- well..."

"What are you talking about Cas?" Sam had been reading all day and now in an actual conversation he couldn't make any sense out of what Cas was saying.

"I wanted to ask for your blessing. It only seemed appropriate as you are his family."

"For what? Who?" Sam was confused.

"To ask for your brother's hand in marriage," Cas looked down nervously.

Sam's mouth made and O shape before he let out a choked sound.

Cas looked up, startled, "Sam, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine. Oh my God, you two are getting married!"

"We-well, I mean, I haven't asked the question yet. Dean may say no. He doesn't want a family. This was a stupid idea. What am I thinking? He'll never shblah," Cas was cut off by sam's hand.

"Dean is head over heels in love with you, of course he'll say yassss," He told Cas as the other man pushed his hand away.

"He would never say 'yasss,'" Cas made quotation motions with his hands.

"You never know."

"So... Does that mean I have your blessing?"

"Of course, Cas. You're already family, this is just making it more official," Sam hugged  his soon to be brother-in-law, "Now go get him, Tiger."


The following morning, Sam was sitting at the kitchen table with Dean while Cas was out running "errands". Dean was in his morning mood where he didn't talk to anyone and only responded in grunts when addressed. The two of them were all too happy to drink their coffee in silence. Until Dean broke it.



"I think I want to ask Cas to marry me."

Sam spat out the coffee he'd just takin a sip of. The brown bean water and spit went everywhere.

"Ew! Dude, what the fuck?

"You- you- and... Oh God. I'm so happy for you! My ship is sailing!" Sam cheered.

"Yeah, people don't usually do a spit take to express happiness."

"You startled me is all, I'll be the best man, right?"

"For me or Cas?'

"Both," Sam grinned.

Dean rolled his eyes, "Both, sheesh. You're going to be my best man. Cas can find someone el-"

The bunker door opened and then slammed shut, "I'm home," Cas announced.

"We're in the kitchen!" Sam called out to his soon-to-be brother-in-law.

Cas entered the room and immediately made a beeline for his boyfriend. He plopped down on Dean's la, snuggling into his neck.

"Ewww. Guys, PDA."

"Shut up, Sam," Dean retorted.

"Fine, fine, I'll just be in the library... Studying."

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