Detention sex

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I was making my way to detention when I spotted Jimin In front of me I walked faster to catch up with him when I was caught up with him I again wrapped my arm around his waist causing him to flinch and look up and me I then looked down and smirked before we got in I let go of Jimin we then saw the teacher sitting there on his phone we then closed the door and sat down "hello guys so what did you get detention for" he asked putting down his phone "umm we came back from the restroom really late" Jimin said it truly has been a while since I heard his voice but when I did it was truly amazing "okay so that's 3 hours here" when he said that my jaw dropped I then turned that into a smirk. I then said to myself think of all the things you can do with Jimin "I'll be back to tell you when you leave no silly business or leaving this door will be locked only I with the key can open it okay" the teacher said getting his stuff together and leaving he then locked the door I then turned my head and stared at Jimin lustfully I then got up and walked to his desk I then put my hands infront of him and I went close to his face he then looked up at me and sat back I then went closer grabbing his tie to pull him closer to me "how sweet" is said in a suductive voice I then pulled him up and pinned him to the wall "tell my Jimin how do you do it" I said "what do you mean" he said "how do you make yourself look irresistible" I said lightly caressing his face "I don't know" he said "we'll just to tell you I can barely hold myself together because of you" I said "really" Jimin said I then seen him smirk "don't hold yourself together let yourself free, jeon jungkook take me now" Jimin said I then couldn't hold it anymore I then started kissing Jimin our kiss wasn't passionately it was lustful I then started to take off his shirt and I took off mines too I then felt his hand go from my neck to my abs he then lightly caressed my whole body I then took off his pants and mines too after that I slid down his boxers and he took off mines too he then went down and gave me the best suck of my life "ahh more jiminie" I moaned before I came I had him stand up so I didn't come already I then lifted him up against the wall and entered him like that I then started moving fast he was wet so it was easier since I started to get tired in that position I then pulled out and dropped him I then wiped all the papers off the teachers desk and he laid down while I hovered over him I then entered him again going fast "ahhh ahh mhh jungkook" he moaned I then went slow then fast "ahhh mhh hyung~ ahh" Jimin moaned "I'm ahh close" he moaned "me ahh too" I said then a familiar feeling was felt I then knew he was close because his hole was tight we then both came I pulled out and fell beside him we breathed heavily I then got up and we got dressed after that we just cuddled together on the floor until the teacher came when we heard the door unlock and the teacher walk in we got our stuff and left we left fast because we didn't want him to see the papers all over the floor we then left to go home

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