Chapter 12: The Mighty Jonas

Start from the beginning

They were too busy talking to each other that they didn't notice Jonas talking to the Master. He agreed.

"You fool little boy!"

The master spoke aloud, "I can give you a discount. You can take it on half price."

Gabriella was too happy to get the dress. Before leaving the shop, she whispered thank you to Jonas and went out.

That night, he couldn't sleep. He kept thinking about her the whole night. The next morning, he decided to find her. He asked everyone, but nobody had seen them before yesterday.

In a week, he became disappointed and resumed his work like usual. But he never forgot her.

One day, another carriage stopped and a big man got out. He had a letter for Jonas from the Mayor of Timberline. First, he thought it was a joke but then his master told him that it was really a letter from the Mayor.

He went to see the Mayor, and he came to know that the Mayor heard about his voice. He was asked to play the flute, and he did.

Then the Mayor said," If you could convince me with your music to give you this pile of gold, I would actually give it to you."

Jonas was blinded by seeing the real pile of gold coins for the first time in his life. But he knew that his voice was ordinary.

He said," But Sir, that's not possible. I am no Magician, and I have no magic to convince people."

"You should at least try, you might succeed."

And so he played the flute. Soon, the Mayor was so charmed that he actually gave him that gold. After that day, Jonas knew that he could hypnotize people with his flute. He was the new Pied piper of Hamelin.

The Mayor called him again once day. He told Jonas that he would give him a lot of gold if Jonas went to a village near Timberline with Mayor's men. He explained to him, that something evil was coming towards Timberline. And he had to stop that from happening. For that, he needed Jonas.

Jonas went happily with his people to a small village 2 hours away from Timberline. The people of the village there lived in tents. Mayor was right about them, there was something evil residing in most of the people. The skin of these people was dark, with dead patches of skin all over their bodies.

The Mayor's men told me that he should stay away from these people as the evil living in them was too contagious. But the people of the village believed that they were sick only. So, the Mayor's men announced that, Jonas was the great Magician who came to their village to heal the ill ones.

The ill ones were brought to separate tents while the healthy ones stayed outside the tents. He started playing the flute, and soon he managed to charm all of them. For the first time, he believed on his ability to hypnotize such a large number of people at once. He kept playing, and Mayor's men went to each tent and slaughtered the ill ones. Jonas heard the screams but he was told to keep playing no matter what happened.

They put all the tents on fire. At this moment, Jonas gasped with horror. And his flute fell from his hand. The villagers came back to their senses, and they were horrified to see their houses on fire. The Mayor's men were on their horses now, rushing through the village setting every single tent on fire.

Jonas ran towards his horse, and sat on it. When they were leaving through the village, he saw the same honey pair of eyes screaming inside a half broken burning tent. The Mayor's men rushed out of the burning village but Jonas stopped. He climbed off his horse into the tent. Gabriella fell unconscious in his arms. He took her out of the village with him.

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