Meeting them

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Thirteen year old Victoria ⬆️

6 years ago.

I breathed heavily, my heart pounding against my chest. Fear was all I felt as I literally ran for my life. Tears threatened to fall down my cheeks. I was so scared. So afraid. They were going to kill me. They were going to kill me.

I ran and ran as fast as I could. I didn't want them to catch me. I knew if they caught me, they would kill me dead. And no one would give a flying fuck. Honestly I was scared out of my mind. I mean I was lost, I was cold and wet, nobody cared that I was out this late. April and Aunty locked me out of the apartment, not wanting me to be in the apartment with them. They honestly didn't care if I died or not. I was alone in this fight. I was alone in the world. It was only me, myself and I.

I missed my dad so much. He was the only one that understood me, the only one that would patch me up after a fight at school or being corned after school. He would have never let them do this to me. But he's gone and everyone blames me for his death. It's not fair. I didn't do anything wrong. I tried to save him. I tried to, but it didn't work. I have burns to prove it. But apparently my eyes are too much for them, they remind them of my father and that's why they hate me.

I didn't dare look back, because if I did, I would be caught and they would do unspeakable things to me before they kill me.

The purple dragons.

They terrorized everyone, they didn't care who you were, If they wanted to mess with you, they would and today I was the victim. Why is it always me? Why couldn't I just be loved? Why do people hate me for things I've never done? Why can't people just leave me alone like they normally do? Why can't I be a complete shadow? Why can't I just disappear? I don't want to be hated, I don't want to be beat, I don't want to be everyone's laughing stock. I tried to love instead of hate, but it's so hard, I don't hate nobody, I just steer clear of people. Because I know they don't like to see me or look at me. Why couldn't I have died in that fire with my dad? Or maybe it could've only been me, nobody needs me, my dad was the best, everyone loved him, and he was taken too soon. And I was left alone to the lions.

I rushed away. I breathed heavily. I hated running. I ran as fast as I could. Until I saw a man hole cover. I looked behind me and saw nobody. Okay I needed to hurry. I picked up the very heavy man hole cover, and placed it on the ground. I rushed down the stairs. My heart was beating against my chest. Harder and faster. I thought it would pound right out of my heart. I couldn't breathe, my throat was so dry, I needed water. I knew I wasn't going to go any farther. I was good as dead. Dead as a door nail.

I finally felt the end of the stairs, my beaten up shoes were wet. I didn't care, I mean Yeah they were my only pair, but it's better that they were wet with water, instead of my blood. I let go of the railing to the stairs and ran down the little sidewalk that was in the sewers. I heard splashes as my feet hit the ground. But as I ran I could hear their voices. Oh god! "Look she's over there! Get her!", I heard one of them say. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Due to fear. I was scared. I was terrified. I was alone and I didn't want to get hurt. Or worse. Dead.

But as fast as I was going, I was starting to get tired. My bones, my heart, my muscles. Everything was tired and hurting and I knew they would catch up to me eventually. And then I would know I would be a goner. I was good as dead. My eyes widened in fear as I felt a hand grasp my shoulder harshly and roughly. I yelped in fear. I screamed as tears welled up in my eyes. A few rolled down my cheeks. I was turned around. I was now face to face with one of the purple dragons. They caught me and I'm done for. I was good as dead.

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