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Kol carried Klaus upstairs and into the bathroom. Carolyn didn't want to see him in any pain, so she sat in her room with Hayley and Davina. The latter two girls desperately tried to move Carolyn's attention off the screams of her friend. "So... we still don't know the sex of your baby..." Hayley tried. Carolyn sniffed, "I can't just move on from those screams, Hay... it's my fault that he's in pain," She whispered. Hayley put a hand on her shoulder, "No it's not. Darius wanted power and revenge and the best way to do that was to hurt Klaus through you." Carolyn sighed and bit her lip, "but why? Why do that to a broken man?" Carolyn saw that Hayley and Davina exchanged a look before Davina placed a hand on Carolyn's knee. "Why are you defending him?" She asked gently. Carolyn glanced at Davina. Davina's face changed slightly and pulled Carolyn into a hug. "Because he doesn't deserve what he gets," Carolyn whimpered. Carolyn buried deeper into Davina's shirt when Klaus let out a pain-filled yell.

The yell quietened and Carolyn pulled away. Hayley was sat awkwardly on the bed while Davina frowned at her. "Carolyn," Someone greeted from the doorway. Carolyn looked up and was slightly surprised to see Elijah. "Is he ok?" She asked, biting her fingernail. "He is resting," Elijah said. "Elijah, don't avoid the question. Is he ok?" Carolyn replied, her voice hard. "Niklaus is resting, end of discussion." Carolyn wisely kept her mouth shut. "What is it, Elijah?" Hayley began, seeing Carolyn not speaking. "I insist Carolyn has a checkup," he looked at Carolyn, "You and the baby have sustained trauma in the last few days." Carolyn still didn't say anything but watched carefully as Elijah leaned in towards her ear, "Niklaus' words, not mine." Carolyn searched his eyes for any sign of lies but found none. "Fine," She relented. Elijah nodded to Davina, who nodded back. "Ok, Carolyn, if you would lay back for me?" Carolyn watched Elijah with careful eyes as she laid back. Davina moved her hands over Carolyn's early-4-month-bump. Carolyn let her eyes roam around the room, taking in every detail. Her eyes landed on a picture hidden in the corner. "Hayley, what's that?" She asked, her finger pointing in said direction. "That is one of Niklaus' paintings," Elijah interrupted. Carolyn twisted her head and eyed him curiously. "He paints when he's nervous, upset or angry," Elijah continued, "That was painted about 2 days before we knew about you." He finished. Carolyn stayed quiet while she thought. "Davina, how is the check-up going?" Elijah asked, sounding tired. "Good. I can hear your heartbeat strong and healthy," Carolyn frowned at Davina's pause. "The baby's?" Davina, for once, looked unsure, "The baby's heart sounds ok, but then again, I don't know for sure. The heartbeat is different from yours massively. Vampire heartbeats tend to be slightly slower than others, while werewolves are quick. A hybrid's heartbeat is definitely quicker than other hearts, but much slower than a werewolf," Davina explained, "When I did this with Hayley, Hope's heartbeat was quicker than a hybrid, almost matching a werewolf."
"What are the BPMs of vampires and werewolves?" Carolyn asked. "Uh... it varies. Generally, a vampire's heartbeat is between 30 and 40, while a werewolf's heartbeat is anything above 100. A hybrid's heart is around 85 to 95 and in comparison to humans, which is normally between 60 and 100, is considered an anomaly." Carolyn went silent for a few minutes, digesting the information. "Your heart rate is a bit fast, Carolyn, but within safe parameters. Your baby's heart, from what I've gathered so far, is 100." Carolyn gasped. "No, before you even ask, I'm not saying that it is a werewolf; it's physically impossible for the baby to be a werewolf unless you, or the father, have werewolf DNA." Carolyn felt a weight she didn't even know had settled, leave her heart. "So my baby is ok?" She asked. Davina nodded, "Yeah... she is," Carolyn sighed happily before she stopped and looked at Hayley, "It's a girl?" She asked, her voice thick with joy. Davina smiled, "Yeah, she is," Carolyn's eyes filled with tears as she began stroking her bump. Davina saw the tender moment and excused herself, taking Elijah with her. Hayley grinned brightly, "This is awesome, you can use Hopes old stuff!" Carolyn grinned brightly and momentarily forgot her problems.


Carolyn was walking back to her room after getting a snack when she heard quick breaths. She frowned and stopped walking, trying to listen out. The breaths continued to come quickly. Carolyn tried to follow the sound and came up to a closed dark oak door. She pressed her ear to it and listened out. Amidst the quick breaths were small groans. Not really sure if she wanted to go in, (in case it was something inappropriate), Carolyn hesitated. A small whine was heard and she decided that whoever was in there was not having sex like she originally thought. Opening the door, Carolyn was blinded by the lack of light in the room. Giving her eyes a moment to adjust, Carolyn tried to find her way through the room. Her vision adjusted to the darkness and Carolyn found herself staring at a pale and shaking Klaus. She walked over and dragged a chair with her. She sat down and watched, not sure what to do. Klaus slowly turned his head and closed his eyes. "Why...why are...you here?" He asked, his voice quiet and frail. "Because you're sick and I want to help you," Carolyn responded, heading into his bathroom to dampen a cloth. She brought it back through and placed it on his head. "Why are you helping me?" Klaus asked. "Because you're my friend," Carolyn answered. Klaus exhaled through his nose and turned his head the other way. Carolyn took this as a cue to leave so she stood up. "No, stay," Klaus spoke from the bed. Carolyn sat, "Are you sure? You don't look great," Klaus breathed out a small laugh, "When do I ever?"


Klaus properly fell asleep around 10:00 at night, leaving Carolyn to walk her stiff body back to her own bed. Along the way, she bumped into Elijah, who looked very stressed out. "Elijah?" She asked. "Oh, Carolyn, you're here." Carolyn was confused, "Yeah? I have been all day?" Elijah frowned, "Impossible... We searched for you all day!" Carolyn frowned, "I've been with Klaus all day," Elijah sighed deeply, "Ok, I-wait, you've been with Niklaus?" Carolyn nodded, "Yeah, why?" Elijah raised his eyebrows, "Niklaus never lets anyone talk to him when he's unwell, much less near him," Carolyn felt a flash of pride. Elijah walked off, considerably slower than when she first bumped into him.


The next morning, Elijah and the others went out for the day with Hope while Carolyn stayed at home with Klaus, per his request. He mostly laid in bed all day, complaining he was hot. "Klaus, I've told you, you need to sweat out the venom. Any more bleeding you, and you'll be a sack." Klaus laughed hoarsely, "This is why I prefer you over my siblings, you tell the truth." Carolyn felt herself grin brightly when Klaus smiled. "You should do that more," She said. "Do what, love?" Klaus replied, "Smile more, it looks good." Carolyn finished. Klaus sarcastically grinned with his fangs out. Carolyn clapped, "Beautiful," Klaus suddenly inched his way up the bed with a small groan, "Elijah told me that Davina told you the sex of your baby?" He said. Carolyn grinned brightly, "Yeah, I'm having a daughter!" Klaus gave a small smile, "That's wonderful. Hope will have someone to play with now,"

The pair fell into a comfortable quiet for a small while before Klaus took her hands in his warm and gentle ones. "Thank you for staying with me, Carolyn. Nobody has done this before, neither has anyone defended me as much as you have," He spoke, his voice gentle. Carolyn felt her chest grow warm as she grabbed his hands back, "you are more than welcome," She spoke, smiling.

Klaus' small smile stayed on his face. Carolyn found herself lost in his sea coloured eyes, seeing all of the raw emotion swirling around. Klaus' eyes roamed around Carolyn's, analysing every detail.

He began leaning in. Carolyn stayed still. She closed her eyes as Klaus' face was a mere few centimetres away. His hot breath danced around Carolyn's nose. Klaus' right hand gently cupped her cheek. He leant in further. Carolyn leant forwards.

Their lips met in a gentle collision as if they were made for each other.

Pulling away, Carolyn couldn't help the blush rise to her cheeks. The pair stayed together, their foreheads touching.

Carolyn let herself breath gently, embracing the best moment of her life.

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