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Idk why no matter how many times I read the previous chapter it just doesn't seem nice to me
A lovely shitty intro to a shitty story aY let's get it
Okay whatever I'll stop now XD


(Name)'s POV

It didn't take long for me to bump into Yeonjun once again. It happened the next morning, at the staircase once again. As I was on my way down to school, he was on his way back up to his apartment. Sweat dripped down his forehead and the ends of his vibrant blue hair were damp, sticking to the sides of his face. His chest rose and fell quickly and the water in the bottle he held sloshed around loudly.

Maybe he went for a run?

As soon as he saw me, he smiled. His deep brown eyes softened and his shoulders rose slightly. I gulped, all of a sudden feeling very potato-ish in my hoodie, compared to his Adidas sportswear. My cheeks flushed a light pink and my heart rate quickened.

"Morning, (Name)!"

"Good morning, Yeonjun"

And that was it.

We simply walked past each other. He would've thought nothing of that interaction, but as soon as I was sure that he was nowhere near me, I froze and took a deep breath. Somehow, he still remembered my name. A warm feeling bubbled up in my chest. I didn't even know him. How old was he? What's his favourite colour? What are his hobbies? I had no idea. He was literally a stranger to me. But something made me extremely happy knowing that he remembered my name. I was relevent for him to remember me. And that made me feel slightly better about my day.

Meeting him again didn't take much time either. It happened on the same day. I was on my way up to my house after school, and he was on the way down. Once he saw me, again, his eyes shone and the corners of his lips tugged upwards.

"Hey! How was school?"

"Went great! How was your day?"

"Yeah, went well too"

And then we walked past each other.

Just like that, I kept meeting him. Every time I needed to go down, he was on his way up. Every time I needed to go up, he was on his way down. It was like as if it was destiny. Like as if the crossing of our paths was fate.

It didn't take us long to go from simple 'heys' to full blown conversations as we sit on the stairs, undisturbed for minutes straight. After all, it was inevitable as we somehow managed to keep seeing eachother multiple times a day. I still didn't know much about him, and he didn't know much about me. But all I knew was that I wouldn't want to miss any conversations with him. The enthusiasm in his voice, and the way his eyes sparkled when he talked about something he liked. The way his face lifts when we talked about his friends and the way he laughs when something funny comes up. Everything about him was so endearing. I soon found out about his quirky, childish nature and his tendency to appreciate the smaller things in life. It was hard, almost impossible, to digest the fact that someone like him was actually real.

No matter what I spoke about, he would continue the conversation, reciprocating my enthusiasm and engaging with me. I found myself looking forward to meeting him on the stairs everyday. As we sit down on the stairs, chatting and losing track of time, I feel my mind become refreshed and my stomach float in the most pleasing way.

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