"Why's your room like this?" Peter asks.

"I like it simple, no pressure to fill it up. I didn't bring much anyway."

Her room consists of a white bed, desk, and tall closet with a shelf attached to the closet, over the top of the bed and desk, all against the opposite wall.

"I found the design on Pinterest." Kenja laughs.

"It looks awesome. Want to come look arou-." Peter begins

"I will, Lucas invited me already." Kenja winks.

Peter goes to  Amani's room next.

Her room is wood, with a wide light brown carpet covering the ground. Her bed is has 4 posters, and is linked at the top by other wood beams. The entire wall opposite her bed is a shelving unit, with an open space for a TV in the middle.

Her desk and dresser and tucked in small alcoves on either side of her bed.

"Want to come explore our area in around 50 minutes?"

"Uh," Amani pauses to check the clock, "Okay."

Naira's room is white like Amani's, but as soon as Peter opens the door he smells the fresh scent of plants.

There's a bed opposite the door wall, with a shelf of plants spilling vines down toward the headboard, and shelving units on either side.

The door of her closet is slightly ajar, showing the dresser inside.

Her desk is on the same wall as the door, and is decorated with papers, blueprints, and succulents.

She's sitting at the desk, absentmindedly rubbing her thumb on one of the leaves of the succulents while sketching on a blueprint.

"Want to go look around with everyone in about 50 minutes?" Peter asks.

"I'm down, any break from this is good with me." She agrees without stopping her sketching.

Peter visits Clare next.

Her closet is open, showing only one side set up as a closet, with her dresser there, and the other half with her desk.

The room is dim and fairly small, with her bed in the middle, a white four-canopy bed with fairy lights decorating it - Peter only knew what those were from MJ - and a fuzzy grey covering on the bed.

An empty guitar stand is sitting across from the door, next to Clare's bed, and a ukulele is on a smaller stand next to it.

Clare sits on the bed, plucking at the strings and scrawling in her notebook, humming.

"I didn't know you were a musician." Peter said.

"I picked it up a while back, to keep my thoughts in order so I could keep my thoughts organized while working." Clare responds, strumming a few chords.

"Want to come check out the area we get to stay in in like 50 minutes?" Peter invites.

"Uh, sure." Clare says, singing a few words under her breath.

Peter stops by his last room of the day, Lami.

Lami's room was as dim as Clare's, with the ceiling of her room decorated with wave like fabric hanging, with fairy lights hanging in arcs, and little shells and light blue glass geometric shapes with tiny fake candles glimmering in them.

Her wall is covered with pictures of different spaces, like beaches, mountains, and forests.

Her desk is tucked against the wall closest the door, and her dresser is opposite her bed.

She's sitting on her bed, humming while looking into a mirror on her lap, braiding a section of her hair up and wrapping it up onto the top of her head, where it mixes into her space buns.

"Want to come look around with everyone in 50 minutes?"

"Yeah, I'll be done by then." Lami hums, nodding.

"See you then." Peter says, walking back to his own room, across from Lami's, to wait until they need to meet to look around.

An hour or so later, Peter meets up with everyone in the hall to look around.

They go to the left hallway first, which takes them to what Peter assumes is their cooking and dining area.

There's a kitchen, complete with oven, microwave, fridge, and any other thing that the kids could want to make food with. Everything is immaculately clean, and the cupboards are already fully stocked with food and ingredients, and there's even a cupboard filled with a variety of cookbooks, both baking and cooking.

The dining area has two tables pushed together end to end, with 4 chairs on each side, and one on each end. The walls are wood on the bottom half, and painted light grey on top with geometric designs painted onto it in darker grey.

The kids take a while to look around, Clare, Amani, and Pio taking ingredients from the cupboards and making weird snacks, which they pass around.

The group - armed with a variety of strange snacks - heads to the hallway to the right next.

Inside is a sitting area with bean bags, chairs, couches, a TV, a pool table, a shelving unit with any game available, and an empty table for them to play games on.

They hang out in there for a while, Lami and Naira challenging Peter and Kentay to an intense game of UNO teams, eventually joined by the other kids in teams of 2 as well.

After way too long playing UNO, they decide to leave the upstairs until the next day, as it's only supposed to be the lab they work in, and they have to be up there the next morning anyway.

The group moves on to play Cards Against Humanity while Amani chromecasts a playlist of her favorite funny videos - mostly SNL and other weird comedy shows - onto the TV before joining in.

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