1~ I Know A Place

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Your legs swung back and forth over the gray waters beneath you as you sat upon the gray bridge in your favorite park under the, surprisingly, light gray sky. Your best friend, (b/f/n), sat next to you, unpacking her picnic basket. You and (b/f/n) come to the park as often as you can together, the beautiful and peacefulness of nature putting you two girls at ease. (b/f/n) pulled out a fruit salad and some pastries she'd made the night before over FaceTime with you, and you giggle remembering how she struggled to make the pastries.

"Don't laugh at me, you bully!" (y/b/f) exaggerated, over dramatically pouting, and trying (but failing) not to laugh. A few concealed laughs later and you and her were hunched over holding your stomachs from the ache of your laughter.

"The chocolate was freaking everywhere!" You said, unable to breath. After a few minutes, you both calmed down.

Your conversation flowed easily from one topic to the next. Having been friends with her for fifteen years of your life, talking to her was like a second nature to you. The conversation quieted, and (b/f/n) stared wistfully out into the gray waters.

"It's such a beautiful blue, (y/n), I wish I could show you".

Your face fell as (b/f/n)'s glowing eyes looked out into the deep lake. That was the only thing the two of you couldn't share together.


Your voice fell upon silent lips, the two of you sat with your legs dangling above the pallid waters. Wind brushed through your hair as the sun moved slowly along the horizon.

( A/N: The following is a fictional guide to soulmates also written by me that is very much apart of the development of the story, and the chapters of it will be at the end of every normal chapter.)


In Living Color; a scientific guide to soulmates and how our bodies react to them
by Dr. Mary Z. Hausen

Chapter 1: "The Reality of the Soulmate Phenomenon"

Soulmates are a scientific phenomenon man has been trying to understand since the dawn of time. Love is questioned time and time again by countless generations, and the scientific connection between two individuals has been romanticized years over in film, music, and literature. However, the connection between two who are acclaimed "soulmates" is but mere science, and the connection, but a chemical reaction. Through research and study, scientists in My field have been able to determine that the picturesque reaction on imploding color when two share a "true loves' kiss", is simply a physical reaction and the workings of the human brain. It is not at all a sign of love, it has only been romanticized to be that way, because there is only one person on the earth that you will be able to share the reaction with. That's one in seven billion people. People think of this person as their true love not because they are meant for each-other, only because the sensation of the eyes seeing color for the first time, and the chemical connections made in the body is so unlike any other feeling that most who experience it feel connected to the other person in a way they never thought they could; simply because they shared an experience (a scientific phenomenon) that not many people can say they have. After this, it's hard for a human to think of other partners, since the event has been romanticized over and over. In reality, it's just a simple, though extremely rare, scientific reaction. Much like the reaction you get when you mix mentos and soda - the connection is made that sets off a reaction. The feelings of love only follow because it's an idea that's been planted into the heads of billions for many years. Love can be found with, or without color. This guide tells only of the scientific evaluation of the intimacy of the "Soulmate Phenomenon".


Thank you for reading! This story will be updated as much as I can. I love writing and I want to create a beautiful story based off of the cliche idea of things coming into color when you kiss your soulmate. I liked the idea but I thought it would be cool to have you see that person in color first. I hope you enjoy the story!

~ Lea

Conan Gray x Reader {In Living Color}Where stories live. Discover now