Tiktok chapter 1

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Harrison S Pendrake. Quidditch Team Captain, 7th year, Head Boy of Gryffindor, Seeker, and all-around lovable jock. Harrison is like an open book. Ask him pretty much anything and he's bound to tell you. After school plans? To play professional for the Appleby Arrows. Patronus? Golden Retrieve. Nickname? Star of course. Star of Gryffindor, on the Quidditch field, and the friend you can rely on to smile through the hard times. Family origin? Pureblood, Father's a Gryffindor and Mom's a Ravenclaw. He's honesty with a dash of rebellion. Despite his pureblood heritage, Harrison had adopted a bit of a muggle style with his two gold snake bite piercings. And because he is The Star, no one questioned the 100% Gryffindor associating himself with something that had snake in the name. Besides, it was such a Gryffindor move getting drunk when he was a second year and making potential life changing decisions in the middle of the night.

Harrison was brought up in the wizarding world as an only child under the care of his two loving parents. His father, a chair holder of the WIQA [Wizarding International Quidditch Association] played with him in the brilliant summer sun and his mother read him all his favorite stories. His mother, a member of the ministry of magic, was a wonderfully studied young woman. Unfortunately, when Harrison turned 6 years old, he lost his mother to cancer. The loss was a large blow to Harrison and his family.

Under the pressure of the loss, Harrison's father fell into a depressive rut. Harrison was left to work through his grief alone, tending to his father as best he could. Remembering how happy his father would get after seeing his favorite teams score in Quidditch, Harrison decided to start taking the sport seriously. His talent for Quidditch proved to be effective in cheering up his father, who was thrilled to see his young man adept at the sport he loved.

Harrison grew to accept the duty of keeping his family and friends happy. He performs his best to impress, working hard to keep their expectations high. He's fond of the spotlight, preforming and entertaining is his deepest passion.

Due to his competitive nature, Harrison has bumped heads with the House of snakes on multiple occasions. Slytherins are a threat both on the Quidditch field and off it. They are the only ones capable of keeping up and offering him a challenge. Growing up after the fall of "you know who" has its downfalls. A healthy helping of stereotypes only fan the flame of Harrison's distaste for the house of Snakes. His vanity gets the better of him almost every time, if it weren't for his friends telling him when to stop. He's a bully towards Slytherins almost exclusively; unless a specific person from any house picks on his friends. He doesn't see his aggression as a form of harassment; more so a way of letting off some pressure from having the weight of everyone else's exceptions constantly pushing down on him. Through competition, fighting and flying, he can relive that tension and make everyone proud of him again.

Although he's picked on many Slytherins through his years at Hogwarts, there has always been one that's stood out. Always one that has managed to crawl his way under Harrison's skin more than any other.

Dolan Magee.

A sneaky, two faced snake if ever there was one. Harrison and Dolan have been at each other's throats for years by now, neither one stepping down. Although competition has always been Harrison's style, his relationship with Dolan has taken a strange new turn through the years. The banter they share and the near scrapes with serious injury have almost become therapeutic in a way. Harrison hates to admit it, but there's a growing fondness for the way the Snake never shuts away from him, how he keeps coming back for more.

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